Sea of Seeds Shipping and Payment Info


Well-Known Member
I have three questions for anyone who has ordered from Sea of Seeds:

Do they ship in breeder packs? I can't find any info on their site whether they do or not.
Do they accept Paypal payments? It would be nice if they did but it's not that important.
Is their shipping method discrete? Also not that important but don't want them to get snagged by Customs.

I plan on ordering this week and it either Sea of Seeds or Attitude. :hump:



Well-Known Member
Another question: Has anyone got their recent Attitude order through Chicago Customs? I heard Attitude was going to change their packaging to try to eliminate confiscations, have they done so?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I think I am going to give Attitude a shot. I want the breeders packs because part of my order is a gift for someone.


New Member
Yeah let's put details of SOS's stealth on the web and potentially ruin it for everyone.

Yeah let's put details of SOS's stealth on the web and potentially ruin it for everyone.

Exactly. I wish a moderator would delete this thread. C'mon, posters detailing information in the most public setting on this planet (the internet), what's wrong with you?


Active Member
Exactly. I wish a moderator would delete this thread. C'mon, posters detailing information in the most public setting on this planet (the internet), what's wrong with you?
While your initial opinion may be realistic in your view, if customs/dea/feds of any govt wanted to find out packaging details from the company, buying a package would be the best and most efficient first hand experience, of which I'm sure they've purchased from attitude or SOS, who knows though perhaps not. They could simply filter packages from sources they deemed suspicious the same way they arrest people for ordering bath salts from china and illegal prescriptions, targeting the consumer rather then 3rd party seller who is protected and out of jurisdiction of us borders.

Infact they mention "inside packages" right on their shipment FAQ on the website, Lol? I'm sure they have much more effective ways of detecting packages then RIU threads.


This was mentioned on the sponsor seedbank herbies not SOS, but it does specifically mention it.

"All International orders are sent with extra stealth and are packaged in a DVD case or similar and again have no reference to the contents or our company name on the outside of the package. Only the products ordered are enclosed, there is no literature, no credit card receipts or anything with your name or our company name inside."

You think feds aren't smart enough to read FAQ/Delivery sections of seedbanks? Lol...That would be firsthand before searching other peoples experiences on a RIU thread, of which hope they used google with search operators cuz they would have had a hell of a time finding it with the RIU search engine lol.

Yeah let's put details of SOS's stealth on the web and potentially ruin it for everyone.


Mentioned in 2009, about 4 years ago. I think the feds know by now, bro.


Active Member
SoS is more reliable than Attitude. Faster. Better stealth... Much better stealth. Prices are very hard to beat. More freebies. A+ customer service.

SoS no longer accepts PayPal because some fecal gulpers had to fuck it up for everyone. (Great service while it lasted).

You can get breeder packs with std delivery but not with ultra stealth.
While your initial opinion may be realistic in your view, if customs/dea/feds of any govt wanted to find out packaging details from the company, buying a package would be the best and most efficient first hand experience, of which I'm sure they've purchased from attitude or SOS, who knows though perhaps not. They could simply filter packages from sources they deemed suspicious the same way they arrest people for ordering bath salts from china and illegal prescriptions, targeting the consumer rather then 3rd party seller who is protected and out of jurisdiction of us borders.

Yeah, because rather than just google "Sea of Seeds" shipping methods and finding this thread, they will take the time and money to place several orders. This just saved them a step. Let's not forget that it was shortly after everyone on this thread started yammering about Attitude's discreet shipping methods that all the "My Attitude order got confiscated" threads started happening. Making them actively look into how this shit is done is different than flaunting it publicly and in detail on the internet, where anyone can complain to their news agency or elected officials. If nothing else, seed rippers at Customs now know exactly what to look for. Good job everyone. Applause, applause. Let's make obtaining quality genetics more difficult.


Active Member
Yeah, because rather than just google "Sea of Seeds" shipping methods and finding this thread, they will take the time and money to place several orders. This just saved them a step. Let's not forget that it was shortly after everyone on this thread started yammering about Attitude's discreet shipping methods that all the "My Attitude order got confiscated" threads started happening. Making them actively look into how this shit is done is different than flaunting it publicly and in detail on the internet, where anyone can complain to their news agency or elected officials. If nothing else, seed rippers at Customs now know exactly what to look for. Good job everyone. Applause, applause. Let's make obtaining quality genetics more difficult.
Your seriously trying to convince me the agency for the govt that is in 20 trillion debt and spends 1 trillion on war on drugs and 700 billion a year on military wouldn't buy a seed to see package materials, origin, and type of discreet methods? I think your exaggerating greatly, you think they will bring a forum thread link to a court room bro? Lol...Guys "iblazetoomuch said it comes in DVD cases, lets open all DVD cases from UK/europe!!"


All joking aside, attitude has seen some increase of threads, I've read them aswell although I have not made purchase in the last 2 months or so since they started popping up. I would remind you that ordering cannabis seeds online is illegal in most scenarios in the USA, so why would you expect to receive them hassle free forever, I don't know about correlation between forum posts and customs dude, you have pretty weak link in respect to that but I believe your expressing your opinion honestly so its not a big deal. I said it was mentioned many times since 2009 about discreet packaging, by that logic anything that came after that would have ended that nonsense rumour of mentioning it on RIU = it getting confiscated. They know about DVD/CD cases and all other mentioned methods available for purchase, they expend billions on purchasing much more measly things then seeds from a seedbank, if its a priority to confiscate them, they are not going to dance around RIU only, they will get tax payer money to order whatever they want and however many diff options of stealth or standard to see the differences ect.

Just be happy we can get them at all, the seedbanks in US aren't going anywhere soon, medical and now legalization is taking more and more ground in USA anyway. Just be patient with it, nobody here is going to directly influence your shipment from not coming in, the FEDS will stop it if they can with or without RIU reiterating 4 year old material, or public FAQ/shipping info on the websites.
Your seriously trying to convince me the agency for the govt that is in 20 trillion debt and spends 1 trillion on war on drugs and 700 billion a year on military wouldn't buy a seed to see package materials, origin, and type of discreet methods? I think your exaggerating greatly, you think they will bring a forum thread link to a court room bro? Lol...Guys "iblazetoomuch said it comes in DVD cases, lets open all DVD cases from UK/europe!!"


All joking aside, attitude has seen some increase of threads, I've read them aswell although I have not made purchase in the last 2 months or so since they started popping up. I would remind you that ordering cannabis seeds online is illegal in most scenarios in the USA, so why would you expect to receive them hassle free forever, I don't know about correlation between forum posts and customs dude, you have pretty weak link in respect to that but I believe your expressing your opinion honestly so its not a big deal. I said it was mentioned many times since 2009 about discreet packaging, by that logic anything that came after that would have ended that nonsense rumour of mentioning it on RIU = it getting confiscated. They know about DVD/CD cases and all other mentioned methods available for purchase, they expend billions on purchasing much more measly things then seeds from a seedbank, if its a priority to confiscate them, they are not going to dance around RIU only, they will get tax payer money to order whatever they want and however many diff options of stealth or standard to see the differences ect.

Just be happy we can get them at all, the seedbanks in US aren't going anywhere soon, medical and now legalization is taking more and more ground in USA anyway. Just be patient with it, nobody here is going to directly influence your shipment from not coming in, the FEDS will stop it if they can with or without RIU reiterating 4 year old material, or public FAQ/shipping info on the websites.
You sound like a relaxed person, but you don't quite take into account a few things.

1) When information is easily located on a top forum, that information is now open to any and all members of the public. Not just various government task forces. Everyone.

2) Task forces within DEA and other I/C departments don't go looking for more work to do or fancy ways people might hide cannabis seeds. The top priorities of HS and I/C right now, are, in order
a) terrorism (threat to persons and property within the nation)
b) high priority narcotics
c) Human trafficking and sex crime trafficking
d) internet crimes and hacking

Policy for all government task forces and agencies comes from the top down, and these directives mandate what the departments focus on. Who makes policy? Legislators. When and why do legislators take action on issues? Because they have been brought to the public light, because the public (or even a small percentage of it, like a group of elderly people opposed to Marijuana) is raising a ruckus and election season is just around the corner.

Right now, as of this writing, our main concern is seeds getting snatched at customs. That could change in a heartbeat because people on this forum go on about how things are hidden and how "easy" it is to get them through customs. It's only a sponsored bill, a few crazed voters, a short argument within a few legislative bodies, and the signing of a piece of paper and there could be heavy checkpoints set up at our local postal service departments to screen for any potential contraband that has made it through customs.

When I read your argument, I understand it in its context. You're an optimist. Good for you. Many on this forum are far too blase in their regard for ordering seeds and discussing various stealth methods of importing federal level contraband.

I don't quite think many people ordering online understand what happens when their seeds get confiscated. It isn't just "I ordered the guarantee so they will send more seeds." That's naive as hell. The orderer's identities are flagged with HS/IC. The incident goes onto their electronic file and will come up every single time they enter or exit the United States, when their passports are scanned. At the least, this will inconvenience them while they get a few additional questions coming into the states. At most, they'll get nailed for something stupid when they least expect it. Any and all discussion that spits in the face of the effectiveness of federal and state policy at counteracting contraband should be avoided in a public and easily searchable forum.

While I'd love to see a tidal change in cannabis regulation and legalization, we are not there yet and we are just one federal order--or one moment of disagreement or misinterpretation of directive between the Attorney General and Obama's office--away from having every single state sanctioned operation raided and having all those persons involved facing federal grand juries. There's every possibility that after the 2016 election the era of "legalized cannabis" could become an asterisk in the long and ridiculous saga of enforcement and crackdowns.


Active Member
The legalized cannabis referendum was passed by voters (public), they were only allowed to vote after both sides of the isle made agreements on the specifics of legalization and laws pertaining to its use/consumption like alcohol. I think personally given the vote to legalize is coming to my state in November of next year, I won't have any issue getting seeds, and growing my own personal plants. I do not intend on exceeding the legal limit, and currently it is decriminalized in my state, meaning it is not a crime to possess under 2.5oz, you literally will not get jail time. Am I concerned about a cannabis seed in my record? No, I am waiting the day I can blaze anywhere people can consume cigarettes in public, or at the very least alcohol at cafes ect. Lol. =p

DEA and customs has alot more valuable tools/methods of intercepting contraband then a marjiuana growing site, besides the shipping info on those pages are always up to date consider that a public notice of DVD/CD shipments on herbies since its creation of that paragraph, how many agents seen that? lol... I don't think they individually check into sites and form their own conclusion, they probably have known these type of cases are subject to contraband since before buying seeds became an issue to prevent.

I personally wouldn't sell or exceed legal limitations, and a seed is far from my legal limitation. I do understand if you live in a completely unlegal state with no state referendums, but here we don't have feds running through houses, generally dudes who exceed legal limit have that happen, or sell to under 21/non medical ect. Federal govts stance hasn't legally changed, but feds don't enforce possession laws in my state unless your exceeding state laws, then again I've never seen DEA kick someones house door in for a couple grams of weed so its hard to say, they are busy busting meth labs or other drugs usually, don't see many stories bout marjiuana locally. Although recently they discovered a plantation with over 400+ plants outside, one of the defendants committed suicide before trial, was alott of weed.


Well-Known Member
OP never asked for details, he just asked if it was discreet. Yes, you can get breeders packs. No, you cannot use Paypal. Yes, shipping is discreet. They are a very good seed bank.


I ordered from SoS on the 19th of July.

Got my ceeds today !

I paid extra 20 for 'stealth.' $120 total. For this stealth treatment they were removed from breeders packaging (they warned me) but they arrived labeled so I can know which is which.

From UK to southern US in 10 days (including w/e). Really just a week since I think they shipped last Monday.

Just for shits and giggles, here's what I go: a Royal Thai (Spliff) (x5) and a few Fem. strains from Royal Queen breeders: their Special Queen (x3), Fruit Spirit (x5)and Mix (5 split between Critical, and Wh. Widow). Freebies were 2 Feminized strains (1 ea), 2 Auto-Fems (1 ea), and 2 hybrid strains regular ceeds (2 ea) [these were x-strains like "Top 44 x Bubbleg. or WW x Gt Wh Shark or WW x Jack]

That was actually my second order, the first time I ordered was in May from Buy Dutch Sds around same price total for 10 Afghan, 10 AK48 and free 10 hybrids, they also arrive discreetly (didn't pay anything for stealth). I was very happy with this batch but am new, so my first few orders are all going to be exploring and experimenting a bit with what's out there (a ton of breeders and a ton of distributors or "banks", I know). It's my virgin grow, planted 2 of each strain twice (2 wks apart), just flipped to 12/12 a week and half ago. So 12 plants total, they vegged for 5 wks or 7 wks, and all sprouted, 4 males have been pulled, 6 are females, 1 is unknown still, and I one lost from stoner error - pretty sure anyway.
This is day before flip to 12/12:


Active Member
OP never asked for details, he just asked if it was discreet. Yes, you can get breeders packs. No, you cannot use Paypal. Yes, shipping is discreet. They are a very good seed bank.

OP never asked for details, special ed students came in complaining about posting public 4 year old shipping methods, which pertained to the OPs subject of this thread.


anyone who orders seeds is taking a risk so, yeah, this is obviously a sensitive subject. make sure to take you're blood pressure medicine!
2 packages both with green tape. Original order made Aug. 6th. Second failed order Sep. 15th. $250.00 gone and customer service that won't bother replying to any questions you may have after receiving your first failed package which is known by the green tape to locals...


Well-Known Member
Hi powder

Pm me with your order number so i can look into this we do answer emails but half of the staff went to an exhibition for 1 week so answering has been slower than normal

Many thanks