Sealed room. A room inside a garage will it smell

Hey guys new to roll it up. I've got a question. I have a big garage that I built a 16x26 flower room in. I also built a wall around the garage door insulated it and mud and taped it. Question is how bad do you think it will smell. I already have 3 really big scrubber that I will be running. I'm worried about it be cause I share the parking lot of a pretty busy coffee shop so customers will be parking like right next to the garage. I'm medical and grow for myself and a friend just don't want to piss off people and bring extra attention to myself. I grow in a few other spots not sealed rooms though and they stink with carbon filter. like def could smell it at my other places if I was a customer and parking in the same spot if ya get what I'm saying any tips would be cool thanks ps the room I built in there is fully insulated and drywalled and painted all cracks are caulked etc sparing no expense. I'm already going to grow in it no matter but any info would be cool
Not sure how to it's sealed so the only thing that would be ac blowing in and no outs vents I'm just thinking it's going to smell a bit. Like I said I just don't want coffee lady getting all pissed lol


Well-Known Member
IMO it is not a good idea to dump the smell where the clients park, some fatass cop grabbing a donut or some looser thieves or stupid kids etc... human factor, eliminate it as much as possible, it is the reason for all problems. I would do anything, find some way to either dump the remaining smell far away maybe through the building's vent to the roof, or scrub and filter it more, maybe get ozone in your exhaust ducting. I know all pot smells eventually, but i found that some pretty dank strains have much less odour than other much less potent, so you could try and find one like that. One straing that is a knockout and smells less is Y-Griega, it is my favourite and only happens to smell less, even though smell is the last thing that i worry about, it happens to be my fav ;)


Well-Known Member
vent out the roof and I would have went with plywood for walls and ceiling. chalking all seems. would have made it sealed. 3 scrubbers should be fine
Ya the garage is really big so now that the rooms are done I have second story there is a 4 inch vent tube that goes to the room I'm going to put a carbon filter on it and suck up to the room that will create a negative pressure