Have not tired that one will give it a look!SSSDH
That's exactly what I look for. Best I've found is Sweet Skunk, PeakSeedsBC.Searching for strains with electric, energetic, clear headed, stimulating, coffee effects?
I grew out hazeman Durban Poison about 6 months ago. The high was like drinking 4 to 5 double expressos at once. Nice, but not very pleasant. I also had a heavy yielder. The rosin that I made from it was top-notch also.I crossed Durban Poison with a nice Cherry Wine pheno and it's offspring were Super clear headed, upper all the way and no crash. That's the clearest I've ever smoked. I'd look for Durban crosses. If you want something that's not even really "stony" find a durban/cbd cross if you want a psychedelic upper find a Durban/Sativa cross or a Durban Northern lights/haze something like that. IDK who has the real "durban". A lot of places have the "two pheno" durban, it's a nice Sativa that's super early, the larger more sativa looking of the two pheno's is the nicer one. These are NOT the same Durban that came out of the 70's or 80's, the stuff back then didn't have two pheno's, it had been worked with enough that it was very stable. I worked various durban lines for a Long time and still love them, even the "two pheno" durbans are uppers. Hazeman's and the Dutch one are both "two pheno". I suspect Hazeman's came from there. Hazeman's was very vigorous and a big producer, not much trimming to do especially on the sativa pheno.
One of the reasons I like Durban crosses is that Durban itself isn't what I would call euphoric, it's a speedy buzz but lacks the "happy", crosses tame the speed down and add some happy. Makes for a nice working buzz that way. Although I had a few friends who absolutely love the hazeman durban just the way it is. Funny though, most of the people who love straight Durban seem to be my friends who have a lot lower tolerance than I do. They take one hit maybe two and then they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I even know one woman who uses it as a diet aid and swears by it. The THCV is anti-munchies and the speed gets her up and active.I grew out hazeman Durban Poison about 6 months ago. The high was like drinking 4 to 5 double expressos at once. Nice, but not very pleasant. I also had a heavy yielder. The rosin that I made from it was top-notch also.