seed help please


Active Member
hi this will be my first grow on soil so i need some help i have watched loads of grows but not clear on a few things right here it goes im using a 250 hid with bio bizz all mix and i have 2 pots size /2 ltr and 10 ltr and a grow space of 8ft high and 3ft wide 4ft long not that big but a good height ive been told a 400 hid would cook every thing with out extracted air so only have 2 ,6 inch air fans in the room is this correct that the max watt 250 i could have i would leave the door a jar during light times when i can .And i need some advice once i have germaneted my seeds could i plant them into the 2ltr pots straight away and put them straight under the 250 watt hid to grow and how far away from the seedlings would the light have to be and could i leave the light cycle on 24/7 till i to want flower 12/12 or would this be the wrong way to start them off straight under the hid as i have no more money to buy a cfl light of any kind and are my pots size correct 2ltr/potting up to the 10 ltr once rots show and no more transplant to harvest or are these pots to big many thanks skunkhunter:bigjoint: