Seed shell stuck on seedling!


Active Member
Ok I don't have pics yet but two of my 5 feminized master kush seeds popped soil yesterday and I was excited until I saw one with the shell still on! It looks like a seed on a stick. The other has its two first leaves and I'm relieved at least one grew right. The other three are still only two days old though (experimenting)

So I know its probably a dead topic but there's so many opinions out there I can't decide. Should I pull it off carefully with my tweezers I used to germinate orshould I let nature do its thang?


Once it's at the stage where it should realistically be growing leaves, i tend to just rip the bigger off with my fingers, never lost a seed yet doing it that way.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I would try to remove it yourself, I do it all the time. Just be really careful not to cut the stem. One time I let a bagseed grow with the shell and the leaves turned yellow and it died so I just lend a hand now and get them growing ASAP.


Active Member
I wait for a few days. Since it popped yesterday, i would wait. I spray/moisten the shells to help them along. If they can't do it in a few days, i take a toothpick and help to open it up. Most of the time they will shed their "helmets" in a few days.


Well-Known Member
If you're careful with removing the shell then the seedling should be fine, if you don't want to risk it then I'd wait another day or two.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick responses everyone!

I forgot to mention these are all outdoor 24/7, then again i did post on Outdoor Growing hah...I think based off everyone's response i am going to wait about two more days before i try anything. I got home today and it looks like the shell is coming off and it is a lot greener then it was yesterday as the cotyledons are a little more prominent now. Also i got a nice surprise, a third seed popped the soil! it has its seed shell on still but it is very loose compared to the first one, i feel like i can pull it off....the cotyledons are really formed too, i can make em out clearly. I am gonna take pics and post in about 20 minutes....

***i also wanted to share an observation. Initially i made sure the top layer of soil NEVER got dry as i misted about every hour (hot sun in SoCal). Once i stopped babying them and let the top layer dry out a bit, the seedlings almost immediately sprouted. It was actually by accident that i stopped. I was home the first two days and work kept me busy the past two days, allowing the drying i was talking about. I think it is because they are forced to search for water if it is let to dry slightly. Just a thought for fellow noobs! Thanks again everyone and if there is anyone else please share!


Well-Known Member
I use two exacto knives and I pry the seedling out of the seed shell..
Have never lost a seed when helping them out of their shells!


Active Member
Pictures as promised, The first one is the healthy one that popped with the shell off, germinated in paper towel first for 42 hours. The second one popped the same day as the first one but has the shell on it, took about 62 hours to germinate in the paper towel as well. (starting to like this paper towel thing, first ones to pop!) You can see the cotyledons trying to open on this one. The final picture is the new one that popped today 04/07 with the slightly looser shell, she was planted directly into the soil without prior germination on 04/02/2012. What do you guys think? got a good chance of being some strong females?!?!

two (2).jpgtwo (1).jpgthree.jpg


Active Member
alot of my plants start with that shit on there, jus leave it itl fall
good looking out man...i had two of them with the shell on so i said fuck it i'm gonna try to take one off and leave the other one...

The one i left on fell off this morning but still has a little film over it preventing the leaves from opening, hope my cotyledons will split soon =/

The second one was still on so i tried taking it off; i had to split the shell open and it came right off but the film was there too...i tried removing the film and i ripped half of one of the cotyledons off...i hope she will be alright...i can see the first set of true leaves now and the other cotyledon opened up on this one...


Active Member
I put a clear plastic cup over them to keep them moist. If its dried on and you try to pry it off you'll damage or kill it.