
Thanks. I got in a hurry and tried putting a seed directly in the soil last time around when it barely broke the shell and it never came up, so I figured I better do it with wet paper towels and let it sprout more as that method has never let me down.
Does the soil have to be pretty wet when I put it in? Last time I left it just slightly moist. Also how far down in soil should it go?
just water the soil and let it drain, wont take more then 5 mins, youwant it moist to wetish dont drown it
you can leave the head poking out the soil if you like. keep dripping water on the seed pod, im talking like 1 drop ov water from the end of your finger , this should help the plant shed the seed pod
Ok I'll do that. Something I might have done wrong last time was I watered immediately with plant food. I was reading tonight where that is a no no. They said about two weeks after it comes up, is that right?
Ok I'll do that. Something I might have done wrong last time was I watered immediately with plant food. I was reading tonight where that is a no no. They said about two weeks after it comes up, is that right?

What soil are you using? But as a rule I'd never bother giving them anything but water until they show their first true leaves.
Ok I'll do that. Something I might have done wrong last time was I watered immediately with plant food. I was reading tonight where that is a no no. They said about two weeks after it comes up, is that right?
At the beggining of their life they have everthing what they need in cotyledons. They can be hold green pretty long time, but when the start to yellow and die its ussually sign for slight feed for me. Also depends how big pot they are in, You can run for 6 weeks without feed depending on medium and pot size. its faster to put the seed straight to the dirt 0,5cm under the surface with its “ass” towards up (important). Sometimes you need to moist the seed cover which is due the low humidity stucked on the cotyledons, or help them out by cracking it, but do not do it untill you see that they are struggling it, you can damage them easily when they are underdeveloped. Good luck