seedling soil ph

Tomorrow im going to get miracle grow seed starter for my seedlings (obviously) but i have no clue how to maintain a proper soil ph lvl or what would be a proper lvl. I mean i didnt even know there was a such thing until two days ago hahaha ive only ever know about the water ph lvl


Well-Known Member
Yer in soil, you generally don't have to worry about ph, use liquid sulpher 1/4 strength to raise it, lime to lower it.
Honestly I've adjusted my ph once and that was this year. It shouldn't be a issue. Go to Amazon and get a good quality meter and Check it every couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
If that mg seedling mix has time released nutrients like the potting mix, I'd find something else.
Yer in soil, you generally don't have to worry about ph, use liquid sulpher 1/4 strength to raise it, lime to lower it.
Honestly I've adjusted my ph once and that was this year. It shouldn't be a issue. Go to Amazon and get a good quality meter and Check it every couple of weeks.
Awesome thx bro :)


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow im going to get miracle grow seed starter for my seedlings (obviously) but i have no clue how to maintain a proper soil ph lvl or what would be a proper lvl. I mean i didnt even know there was a such thing until two days ago hahaha ive only ever know about the water ph lvl[/QUOTE
ALWAYS PUT GARDEN LIME IN SOIL, ALWAYS no matter what type of soil it is,
stay away from time released pre nuted soils,