

Active Member
Has anyone ever tried selling plants? I have a few people wanting to buy a plant from me. What are they worth?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Well I would say..depending on strain and average yield...about 500? If they are still young or they are still can usually get away with selling clones for 30-50. Depending oh how much your like these people.


Well-Known Member
They're worth whatever you can get. See what offer you get and if it's just a plant you don't have room for or can't keep anyway then you are ahead getting anything.

$500? No way...

Clones are usually less than $20, beyond that just don't expect half the money a full grown plant can yield. It's not likely anyone could grow $500 worth of bud on that their first go a round.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
They're worth whatever you can get. See what offer you get and if it's just a plant you don't have room for or can't keep anyway then you are ahead getting anything.

$500? No way...

Clones are usually less than $20, beyond that just don't expect half the money a full grown plant can yield. It's not likely anyone could grow $500 worth of bud on that their first go a round.
Well that is considering the plant yielded about 2 ounces. And who says it's their or his first go around? :D Some people just get busted and might need new plants. :D I was just assuming his plant was close to maturing.

Also clone prices depend on legnth of knowing the least with me anyway. If I don't know're not getting anything..if I know you and we are aquantices...I'll be steep as is my ass on the line in the first place.