
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg This is the bulb I'm using 600w I jus want to kno is this to close to have my hood? The black pots are miracle grow soil and Red pot is Coco

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Is that an cool hood? Why isnt exhaust hooked up? You should fill all pots to top with soil. Miracle grow is rough to grow in.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
No problem with the pots not being full. You can just add more dirt. They look kinda stretchy any way, so more dirt will help keep them stable and upright.

The light does seem close for seedlings, try 2ft away for now. When you get a chance, buy an exhaust fan and hook it up to your hood asap. Miraclegro is not the best to grow in, but you can still get some good smoke from it. I remember it being very acidic so some lime will help out.

Lastly, when it comes to watering, use the lift method. Lift the pots to see how heavy they are. When they feel light, add water. Dont water if the pots feels heavy or you'll end up over watering.
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That guy 420

New Member
With HPS the way I have always worked it is if your hand is under the hood at the tip of the plant and your hand gets too hot then you light is to close. With a 600 watt HPS light you'll put it out a lot of light for three plants I would not worry about moving that light too far away from the plants long as you don't have it like 10 feet away you'll be perfectly fine I agree with Gary goodson 2 feet should be good also definitely get that exhaust hooked up with you might be having a heat issue. Also on a side note I might move it away from the wall a little bit HPS tends to get a little hot and you might start peeling the paint on your wall.
With HPS the way I have always worked it is if your hand is under the hood at the tip of the plant and your hand gets too hot then you light is to close. With a 600 watt HPS light you'll put it out a lot of light for three plants I would not worry about moving that light too far away from the plants long as you don't have it like 10 feet away you'll be perfectly fine I agree with Gary goodson 2 feet should be good also definitely get that exhaust hooked up with you might be having a heat issue. Also on a side note I might move it away from the wall a little bit HPS tends to get a little hot and you might start peeling the paint on your wall.
Ok so I need to move it back up asap and get the exhaust fan that's prob the reason why my temps are stayin btwn 82-86 lol appreciate it fam
Is that an cool hood? Why isnt exhaust hooked up? You should fill all pots to top with soil. Miracle grow is rough to grow in.
I didn't kno it had to b hooked up I jus figured wit me havin 3-4 fans goin it wood keep the closet cool but that's not happenin & is it to late to transplant into fox farm soil while they're this small?

That guy 420

New Member
I wouldn't transplant just yet I would wait for root growth to get a little more established you could adversely damage your plants or shock them and at this young age they could be deadly. Yeah with that ventilation hooked up on your HPS light your room should get a little cooler I like to keep my room between 75 and 81. And also ventilation for your room is important to you must get fresh CO2 in that room continuously.


Well-Known Member
I have a 600W In a tent on my first grow. Heat was an issue until I got an air cooled reflector.
You're really going to need to put down some kind of protective lining especially for carpet/floor. Tents come with two layers. Even if you're careful it's inevitable there will be spills of water and nutes, and its not an easy surface to keep clean. Which is arguably the most important thing. Cleanliness.


Well-Known Member
No problem with the pots not being full. You can just add more dirt. They look kinda stretchy any way, so more dirt will help keep them stable and upright.

The light does seem close for seedlings, try 2ft away for now. When you get a chance, buy an exhaust fan and hook it up to your hood asap. Miraclegro is not the best to grow in, but you can still get some good smoke from it. I remember it being very acidic so some lime will help out.

Lastly, when it comes to watering, use the lift method. Lift the pots to see how heavy they are. When they feel light, add water. Dont water if the pots feels heavy or you'll end up over watering.
What you mean some lime will help?