sexing during Veg


can u sex during veg heard that if the nodes come out even on both sides of the stem it'll be female n if there uneven they're male any weight behind this theory?


I don't think so, because i've heard that when the nodes are no longer even that means she's ready to flower. I hope this is not true at least, all my plants have equal nodes :( as of now


Well-Known Member
yes this is true when the nodes are no longer even but growing one then moving up and then another that is a sign that your plant is mature


bud bootlegger
yes this is true when the nodes are no longer even but growing one then moving up and then another that is a sign that your plant is mature
very true.. if a plant is not showing preflowers yet, but is starting to put out uneven nodes, this is a sign that she is reaching sexual maturity and is ready to be flowered..


Glad this came up, my plant is at 5 weeks old (24 hour lighting) and looks really good. On the 4th week however it started growing hairs already so......I just started switching to 12/12 is that the correct thing to do?