Shade leaves falling off


Active Member
The shade leaves are all falling off and turning (yellow). Does that mean I shes ready to be pulled and dried, or can i prune the shade leaves and let it grow? I would like to get the biggest yield as possible.


Well-Known Member
let it go... that happend to me too. i still have 1 to 2 weeks left on some of my plants that droped the shade leaves. be paitent :)

good luck


Well-Known Member
No dont pull let it grow, its just the plant doing its best to give you the best bud,getting rid of some of the harsh shit, just let it do its thing,be worth it


Well-Known Member
ya ..dont pull off any leaves or dont pull the plant let her complete ..the fan leaves will fall naturally after they complete their tasks..which is to supply nuts and sugars to the buds.....when they are tapped out , well then, they turn yellow then fall..smoke on ...peace