She got smegma on my plants!!


Active Member
Aloha! So this isn't my first grow but my first "Journal" persa. I have choosen to publish this grow because of the few experiments I am conducting on this grow. On the last grow I experimented with molasses and flushing. Btw I'm going on record to say flushing doesn't matter and no I may not know shit but neither do you! So don't try and correct me. Those results were quite interesting but this is something new.

What I have going on:

I've got a 4x4 tent with carbon filter and fan hook up. Inside is a 400w MH & HPS.

1 x LA Confidential
1 x Blue Widow
1 x White Siberian

The nutes that I am using are the Fox Farm Trio on the Blue Widow and White Siberian.
The nutes used for the LA Confidential are Humboldt Nutes Verde & Ginormous + Sea Green.

Once into flowering they will all receive molasses and all other factors will be identical except for the way they are maintained. Which I will get too later.


I have 2 Northern Light Autos. I don't have much info on these so It's kind of a crap shoot on what's gonna happen. I started with 5 but ended up with two ( You know how it goes sometimes) But outside there conditions will be identical except NL1 will receive the Humboldt nutes while NL2 receives the fox farm trio.

All plants are grown in my own compost soil mix.

View attachment 1744437



Well-Known Member
Nice! I will be following your journal as I will be starting a very similar grow setup in a month or two which will be my 1st indoor grow! Keep the updates coming and good luck!


Active Member
They are now starting to blow up, with a few good sets of leaves coming in. They all are green and healthy. NL1 has some slight burning on the first set of leaves but it doesn't seem to be continuing so I'm not too worried about it. I moved them all into their final homes, and under the MH for 18/6 light cycle. Last week I gave NL 1 and LA sea green then the rest were given the fox farm. I decided that I'm just going to throw both of the NL autos outside in the garden next to the cucumbers and tomatoes. It will be interesting to see what happens with them each getting different nutes. I am going to start their nute regiment tomorrow.I am having a little trouble getting my temp down, It's not bad right around 80. I will probably go make the purchase for an A/C unit to hook up into the tent. Other than that everything is running smoothly and now i will only have 3 plants in my tent so i should have plenty of room to veg them out a bit. I am still debating on how I am going to keep them tamed. I may just LST one, Top another, and let one go and see what happens. View attachment 1744450


Active Member
So they have been taking the nutes well and are all looking wonderful. The LA was seriously appearing from N loss so I splashed a little more nutes in there and it turned out fine. I have just noticed I have fungus gnats FUCK! I'm using neem oil right now every 3 days. but we'll see if it takes care of em. They disappear for 3-4 days then one by one re appear.

The NL's have been outside for awhile now and are doing great. The one being fed Humboldt Nutes is 7" while NL2 which is fed fox farm is 5 1/2".

SO for the inside plants the La Confidential which is being fed Humboldt Nutes is 6" tall and I began bending it down and around the rim of the pot to see what happens.

Blue Widow is 4" tall and I FIM'd
WHite SIberian is 4" tall and I Topped that one.

Bending, Topping, and FIM'ing.jpgNL2 Day 22.jpgNL1 Day 22.jpg


Active Member
All are taking to the there topping methods well. Bending LA around the pot is becoming trickier than I thought. I think im just gonna have to bend it which ever way I can, I'm afraid of making her go Hermie considering she's the one I'm looking forward to smoking the most! :blsmoke:

I still have fungus gnats but not as many. I have been using this spray i got from the local nursery. In the next few days I'm going to go and get sand to put on the top layer of the soil.

Both the BW and WS are showing significant lower growth from the topping. LA is still growing good and in fact the best still but is still adjusting to being twisted around.

Both of my northern lights are showing pistols so that's got me giddy, but on a side note these autos are 30% bigger than my last crop of autos 2 months ago. Not sure if it's from being different strains or maybe something to do with the sun.

LA 8" - BW 6 1/2" - WS 8" NL1 16" NL2 14"

There all the same age notice the outside autos are double the size but not the same inner growth...

LA Day 16 Veg.jpgWS Day 16 Veg.jpgBW Day 16 Veg.jpgNL1 Day 30.jpgNL2 Day 30.jpg


Active Member
yea man I was like whats a bud I haven't had since highschool: northern lights and good ol' LA confidential so I had to get some


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions if you do not mind? Although I love you doing the test run. I would like to see the same thing from clones. A side by side with seeds can be misleading from pheno type. Not saying you will find out lots of info about each food. But a clone test would of told you better I am thinking.

Do not get me wrong. I will be reading this thread for sure. But this is just soemthing I will consider when looking at both plants. Great work friend. More people need to do runs like this. I love reading them.


Active Member
Yea I have come to that problem because on one of the previous grows i had two seeds, same strain but one was just weaker. It just didn't seem fair to rely on those results. but Yea if i had the means of cloning it would be a for sure on the experiments but working with what I got ya know. Good to see people taking interest on growing different ways, to me if i don't have anything to do different on my plants I get kinda bored lol. I just like experimenting guess. Seeya aound brother


Active Member
I think You'll be pleased, it is my best one. well besides the ones outside, you just can't compete with the sun.

So I've been having a problem with fungus gnats and I think I got rid of them finally. I scooped the top layer off and threw it away. I replaced it with sand and sprayed once again. I haven't seen em in a few days so thats good!

I have decided that I'm gonna veg these girls out a bit so I am going to need to transplant them soon because there only in like 2 1/2gal pots. Does anyone know how long they stunt or how long before I endurance flower I should transplant them?


Active Member
If they're going in final pots of 2.5 gallon i would only veg another 2 weeks max boss, u could top them and then veg for 2 weeks throw into 12/12 JMO bro...Yeah putting sand on top should get ride of ur nates


Active Member
oh my bad i skim read lol...I see now they r in 2.5 gallon buckets lol..They prolly still wont need more than 2-3weeks more vegging..Unless u want monsters


Active Member
what's up guys just giving a quick update before I head outta town for 4 days. I'm leavin my girl in charge, which isn't her first time. The northern lights are monsters with bud sites all over, Hey Dinafem Hash man these NL are double the size of the white dwarf, syrup, and haze auto. literally double the bud sites and height should be good, but unfortunatly I have them in tiny pots but since they're already in flower i don't think Im gonna transplant.

The inside plants are doing great, i finally got rid of the fungus gnats. soaked everything in neem then covered the top layer in soil.

I'll update pics when I get back into town. Peace out!


Active Member
NL autos heeh..Well let me how they turn out..Well have fun on ur trip bro and hopefully u girl treats ur girls with care lol..Thank god u got ride of those damn nats..


Active Member
I know right nl autos I had to get em, I may get em again honestly. Dude! Those gnats were so fucking annoying.

My girl is usually good about babysitting for me. Last year I went to Africa for 3wks. I left plants well into flowering and she managed fine so I trust her.


Active Member
So it's been a minute guys figure it's time for an update. Nothing but good things since the last update.

LA Confidential: Isn't as strong as it was in the begining... but isn't doing bad either.
Blue Widow: This one is doing pretty good growing taller everyday, the tallest one of the three.
White Siberian: This one is kicking ass! It is filling out nice and thick inside while still growing tall. This one is my favorite right now.
Northern Light Auto's: These are doing good as well. They are bigger than any auto I've ever had before and many many more bud sites than any previously grown. The only difference in the two is the NL1 is starting to yellow out a little while NL2 is still dark green. This is due to the difference in nutes. The Ginormous I'm using on NL1 has no N so i think I'm gonna need to add a little to help her along. It's looking like another 5-6 weeks so I shouldn't be yellowing out yet. BTW I cannot see any significant difference in the results from using the different nutes. Even though the one has double the amount of NPK....

For the difference in Nutes with my other three I cannot tell a big difference and I'm now starting to think I won't have enough evidence to prove one better than the other. So it may be just a matter preference. I'm using the FF trio on NL2 as well as BW and WS. The NL2 also get's molasses. Then the LA confidential gets Verde + sea green. and the NL1 gets Ginormous with sea green and Molasses.
Like I said the only difference so far is the lack of N in the one Northern Light and I don't feel like the fact one is a couple inches bigger than the other is enough to justify anyone better than the other.

So my fungus gnats are gone gone gone.... The layer of sand put on top of the soil was the nail in the coffin. Unfortunately I have horrible timing because after laying it I had to scoop it back off to transplant the plants. But all is better they are all now in their bigger final homes with a nice layer of sand on top still.

I topped my WS again at the top of the 2 branches that shot up from the last topping.
I did the same concept to the BW except FIM'd at the top of the 4 shoots that shot up from last FIM'ing.
I bent LA confidential to twist her around some more and is working out great she is staying lower than the other two. I'm going to have a problem with the BW and WS getting to big, But I'm still gonna veg em out a few more weeks.

Well here is a few photos to see the progress:

Day 28 Veg (3).jpg

La Confidential:
Day 28 Veg LA.jpgDay 28 Veg LA LST.jpgDay 28 Veg LA LST (2).jpg

White Siberian:

Day 28 Veg WS.jpgDay 28 Veg WS Topped.jpg

Blue Widow:

Day 28 Veg BW.jpgDay 28 Veg BW FIM'd.jpgDay 28 Veg BW FIM'd (2).jpg

Northern Light Autos:

Day 42 NL1.jpgDay 42 NL1 nuggies.jpgDay 42 NL2.jpgDay 42 NL2 nuggies.jpg