Should a politician have social media?

Redeye 420

Well-Known Member
I get up every morning and see tweets, I'm not political by any means. I need a weather report and want to know what happened in my area and all but please stop the tweets. .


Well-Known Member
I don't have any Twitter, Instagram or Facebook account, but I always hear about Trump tweeting dumb shit or whatever.

I think Trump just uses social media to troll because he's an idiot. He likes to instigate shit and get folks riled up. He's too much of a coward to say something to someone's face so he tweets from the safety of being behind a screen. That's how I see it.


Well-Known Member
idk about if they shouldn't have it or not, it would be nice to have politics no longer invading our lives. But it is also kind of illuminating, as soon as I saw Trumps tweet about the 'South African black people murdering white farmers' racist propaganda, I no longer had a doubt that he is intentionally trying to polarize us and make it difficult to talk to each other without hitting a cultural land mine, making intelligent conversations impossible.