should buds be cured before making hash?


Well-Known Member
I'm expecting (God willing) to get my first harvest in a few weeks. I'd like to turn at least half of it into hash. From what I've read, I will need to dry the buds (and whatever leaves I use) before making the hash.

However, I have not been able to find anything about whether bud that is intended to make hash needs to be cured. Does it need to be cured? I guess it couldn't hurt, so I might as well do it. But if the product is the same, and I could have hash my hash weeks earlier... well then, why cure?

The way I see it, curing is more for the flavor of the smoked bud (getting the chlorophyll out of the plant material, etc.). The process of making hash, by definition, removes most of the plant material (especially the green plant material). So why cure?

Anyone else have experience in making their own hash. Do you cure or not? Has anyone tried both ways?

The one advantage I can see for curing would be to dry the inner parts of the buds more, since curing tends to re-distribute moisture evenly while also removing chlorophyll and all that.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I suppose its best that you cure it to let everything break down. But it should be fine since your just getting the resin out