Should I Flush Them Or Add FF Grow Big

I transplanted them two weeks ago and their six weeks old yesterday. I actually flushed them a week ago cuz they we're really dark green, a few shivled and died, im assuming it's a Phosphate defincency their looking better now just a few leaves still dark green but was wondering should i flush again or add nutes i have them growing under 6 four ft 40 watt cfl's and I use publix drinking water and add couple drops of ph down it has a ppm of 220



Active Member
I don't know why you would want to flush just because your leaves are dark green? Don't see the logic there but I am still learning so if you could explain that to me that would be great. If they are growing just fine right now then continue doing what you have been doing. If there is anything I have learned during my grow so far it is that these plants can take quite a bit and know how to help themselves out too. If they are growing just fine (which they look great!) I would leave them alone and keep the nutes until you flower and even then don't do full strength right away, just let the plant use what's been working so far. Good luck man, I'll be hanging out to watch, the plants look awesome.
i only posted in different forums cuz ill ask a question and get two hunderded views and no replies so figured i try my luck and their only six weeks old i wouldnt put them on 12 and 12 lighting not untill their at least 12 inches tall and my tallest one is only 4inches


Rebel From The North
leaves being to dark isnt a reason to flush! alway remember theis SIMPLE SOLUTION IS ALWAYS DILUTION! with that just add water.
flush if your going from veg to bloom and if you have a burn or ph lock out issue. also dark green = alot of nitrogen. them shrivling
and dying is due to something else. from what I can see there fine!