should i start to flower these?


Active Member
idk i planted them and dont remember when i did it and they grew and i thought it was maybe 2 months but i gusse there younger then i thought thanks for that answer ive been looking for also


Well-Known Member
More like malnourished children in a third world country.
sry bro,

Do they get Full sun? or Partial?
I would try a mild Fert or nutes, I am partial to Foxfarm's BigBloom.


New Member
No offense i feel bad for you but let them grow and get what you can and i would read a little more A.S.A.P. something went way wrong with this grow the ground looks like it has craters and dry (Moon). goodluck


Well-Known Member
i got some nice plants about a month old i think . one is like 22 inches tall the otheris like 20 inches. should i start to flower them or let em grow more?but will i have enough time.

They look like they need something but flowers are probably not that something...

I'm a little confused, this looks and sounds like an outdoor grow, right? If so then you probably got them in the ground barely in time depending on where you are at, but you might be a little late, if I remember correctly the best time to plant is (Mar-Jun).

There are a few other things I'm surprised haven't been commented on, like if it is outdoors how are you going to 'start flowering or let em grow more'? I might be wrong but you might have a difficult time controlling this as mother nature kinda has her own light schedules, now you could supplement to compensate for a schedule that moms isn't on... Look, at this point maybe you should dig em up and bring them inside? Also what is that residue all over the ground? It looks like mold, fungus or something that should not be there, in the first pic it looked like sand but in the other it didn't look like sand maybe clay?
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Well-Known Member
They look like they need something but flowers are probably not that something...

I'm a little confused, this looks and sounds like an outdoor grow, right? If so then you probably got them in the ground barely in time depending on where you are at, but you might be a little late, if I remember correctly the best time to plant is (Mar-Jun).

There are a few other things I'm surprised haven't been commented on, like if it is outdoors how are you going to 'start flowering or let em grow more'? I might be wrong but you might have a difficult time controlling this as mother nature kinda has her own light schedules, now you could supplement to compensate for a schedule that moms isn't on... Look, at this point maybe you should dig em up and bring them inside? Also what is that residue all over the ground? It looks like mold, fungus or something that should not be there, in the first pic it looked like sand but in the other it didn't look like sand maybe clay?
yeah you can put black plastic bags over it a couple hours before sunset then take it off when the sun is completely gone hence the name "force flower"..but what i would do man is get some good store bought soil transplant them into the store bought soil..get some nitrogen and feed them


Well-Known Member
sorry bro those don't look to healthy, try adding some low level nutes and replant into some good soil if possible. good-luck.


Active Member
no offence but they look bad for 2 months old.
keep it vegetating... flowering now will let u small buds