Sick P\lants


Greetings all, i've finally gone back to growing my own weed after a 10 year break from it. But I seem to have hit a few probs I wonder if anyone could try and help me diagnose...

OK, growing in soil (biobuzz lightmix), plants are 3 weeks old, under 150watt envirolite. Originally fed on a weak solution of formulex, a week or so ago I moved over to bio buzz grow, they had a couple of waterings with the recommended 5ml in 1 litre water, and then I started to see some probs. At first I thought it was nute burn, so they have been on water ever since, however the problem is getting worse, attached pics.. please help!



Yeah agreed, I just repotted and the roots didnt look to healthy, guess ill give it a week see where we are at :)


Well-Known Member
Stop feeding them, the new growth looks still okay so just water from now on until the new growth is reaching for the light instead of curling/taco'ing away. How close is your light as well? People recommend to put cfl's close to plants, but you still need to keep a reasonable distance (especially with large bulb sizes). I use similar pots as startes and as soon as the second set of leaves are in I repot. IF you want to feed them at this stage, get a rhizo based feed (rhizotonix from Canna) for example.

Good luck,



The plants are an inch or two below the bulb, I have repotted them, the roots were really bunched together, im wondering if maybe they just havnt been able to absorb the fert anyway, it def looks like a nitorgen def, as the older leaves start first, go yellow working inwards... anyway, repotted, lets give it a few days see what happens :)