sick Tutankhamun NEED HELP!!

4.5 Weeks into flower,Soil grow with 20% perlite, 7.0 water PH, 400 Watt HPS, intake, exhaust and circulation fans, Fox Farms Trio and molasses. All leaves curling down and looking burnt. I flushed and plant looked worse? I adjusted my fans and eliminated some auxilary lighting to get the heat down when lights are on about 87 degrees F. What am I leaving out? 4 out of 9 plants doing this



Active Member
Drop the heat ( 70s )
Drop the PH ( 6ish )
And finally drop the molasses...adding this just strips nutes out of the soil.

I only use molasses during final flush ( slow fade )


Active Member
your temperature is too hot the plant normally doesnt like exceeding temps above 85 degrees... aslo it could be light burn depending on the hight of the light, how close is rhw 400 watt light??? also are you adding the nuts to the water when watering? becareful not to allow nuts on the leves it causes burn and the finall thing could be over watering. to much water causes yellow tips


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