Small grow trimmings

The Happy Hippy

Active Member
Does anyone that just grows a small few autos do anything with the trimmings? Is it worth keeping for anything? I've just been manicured buds a lnd binning the rest.
I'm another 2 auto plants at a time grower, and I keep the trimmings. Anything other than a solid nug gets cut into small bits and goes in the trim jars, even the stems. My wife vapes, so I keep the old 'used' vape as well.
When I have half a kilner jar full of vaped weed I fill it with water and leave it overnight. Put a mesh or sieve over the jar opening and drain the water out - it is shitty smelling and brown. Refill the jar with water and repeat until the water is clear. That way you have got rid of the bad taste and brown colour and still get the good stuff that vaping left behind.
Put the now better smelling vaped stuff in a pan along with all the dried trimmings and make canna butter (I use coconut oil not butter) then get baking cookies, brownies, fudge, whatever you want. Get high as fuck with something most people bin. Result.

(*edit - I decarb the dried trimmings before making the cannabutter, the already vaped stuff doesn’t need decarbing)
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