Smell and distance...


Active Member
I plan on grow like 20 auto flower plants outside in a secure location. There are houses like 100-200 yards away from the grow spot. Could the smell travel that far? If not how many plants should I plant without the smell going too far? Thanks for any help.
I plan on grow like 20 auto flower plants outside in a secure location. There are houses like 100-200 yards away from the grow spot. Could the smell travel that far? If not how many plants should I plant without the smell going too far? Thanks for any help.

​pretty bad idea
Smell traveling over 100 yds? I doubt that, even with 20 plants. I wouldn't put any there not because of smell but because someone is going to find them.
There is a huge fence you have to jump. I stay in a neighborhood with a lot of old retired people. I havnt seen anyone ever back there. I can see the grow spot from my upstairs window.
There is a huge fence you have to jump. I stay in a neighborhood with a lot of old retired people. I havnt seen anyone ever back there. I can see the grow spot from my upstairs window.
I know my Grandma knows everything going on in her neighborhood and she is 99. She always peeping out and in windows. People who have nothing to do (retired) tend to make everybody's business their own. I'm just saying...
Yea thats almost like shitting in your own back yard. Sure it could be done but the risk is
too much for most thinking individuals.:idea:
Some cities in the U.S., such as Houston, Tx. have so much weed growing around the city that they get reading from it in the pollen count. Look man u are just asking for trouble. I am going to grow one plant in my backyard. Even though I have my MMJ card, it has to be out of sight out of mind. My backyard is a 1/4 of an acre, with 3 dogs. The best part is, I live behind a Bhuddist Temple. They are awsome, they burn so much incense that ther is a cloud around the Temple. I am not worried by smell but how tall it gets. Dont do it.