So..when will the cannabis laws be "clarified"?

i would talk to an attorney. what are the repercussion for not?

Not sure what they do if they catch you and your haven't registered with them..probably just "shut you down" ...assuming you actually are legit otherwise.

They are not concerned with patients who gow their own, just "care givers".
since caregiver is written into the law very clearly. i dont think they can do such a thing. perhaps they are trying to do this or would like to do it. i dont think you have the facts straight. if you do, then fuck grand rpids:)
since caregiver is written into the law very clearly. i dont think they can do such a thing. perhaps they are trying to do this or would like to do it. i dont think you have the facts straight. if you do, then fuck grand rpids:)

Caregiver is written into the laws...but local authorities have the "right" to monitor the care givers. They can't stop you, but they can require electrical inspections, Safety (locked area)..etc. West Michigan in general is super conservative, and will be a pain in the ass...
Caregiver is written into the laws...but local authorities have the "right" to monitor the care givers. They can't stop you, but they can require electrical inspections, Safety (locked area)..etc. West Michigan in general is super conservative, and will be a pain in the ass...

Kalamazoo is the same way as far as registering with the police. The main reason for this is due to the dispensaries abusing this Law for the people. They don't want shops to sell Cannabis by the local grocery store lol. With registering with the police department they have your house on file so if a neighbor complains about odor and brightly odd lights when the police run your address they know you are a registered care giver or patient so they wont bust up and take your stuff. This is all based on word of mouth so if you want to slam me please do so i'm always looking to further my education. thx
Kalamazoo is the same way as far as registering with the police. The main reason for this is due to the dispensaries abusing this Law for the people. They don't want shops to sell Cannabis by the local grocery store lol. With registering with the police department they have your house on file so if a neighbor complains about odor and brightly odd lights when the police run your address they know you are a registered care giver or patient so they wont bust up and take your stuff. This is all based on word of mouth so if you want to slam me please do so i'm always looking to further my education. thx

I pretty much agree with you. Just because the law passed doesn't mean anyone can do whatever they want. The autorities also have a right to make sure care givers are operating legitimately. There are a lot of people abusing the new law..from dispensaries to care givers to co op's to Dr's signing off for anyone.

The law was enacted to allow the use of cannabis by people with legitimate reasons. Somehow a lot of people seem to think that it legalized cannabis.That's not what happened.
Grand Rapids...super conservative...They have a city ordinance stating care givers must register and submit to inspections..

I'm in agreement with zeus2025 on this. While this seems kinda oppressive early on, this is exactly the thing we need to have happening all across the state. Right now, even though the MMMP says that LEO is allowed to ask if we are a patient, the MMMP staff isn't cooperating, at least not with Wayne county. This presents a HUGE problem, so, until the MMMP gets it's shit together completely, things like this are going to be commonplace. I daresay it's a damn sight more preferable to having townships ban med pot outright like some are trying to do.

I mentioned that it's what NEEDS to happen, by that I mean the following things:

1.)Right now we have an abundance of overzealous and new growers, some of which are producing overages which should be destroyed (made me wanna cry to type that, but it's the honest truth) unless you can pick up another patient quickly. Inspections will reduce the temptations on these to sell off the overages to illegitimate buyers while they get their pattern established to maintain a constant supply. Inspections will also deter the true drug dealers from entering our system by masquerading as patients or caregivers. At least, it'll deter the ones who are actually CONCERNED about jail time. The ones that don't care won't balk at anything, but most of them already have at least one drug-related felony, which AT LEAST leaves them ineligible for caregiver status; thus, keeping them from damaging our reputation from the inside.

and 2.) Registration eliminates the need for law enforcement to conduct raids to verify the legitimacy of a grow. An added benefit is the cost in terms of manpower. A raid takes at least a half-dozen officers, an inspection only takes one person.

The registration and inspections are going to add transparency to what has been a very closed community for a LONG time. Through those avenues, more people are going to see that TRUE patients and caregivers are responsible producers and users of their own medication, this will go a long way toward alleviating fears and paranoia from the stigma that a "drug dealer" is living next door.

Another thing it gives us in light of the new law is that legit patients and caregivers can now go to the civil courts (Applying logic and a little common sense here, not litigation knowledge or experience, so I could be wrong on this first part of the point) to stop harrassment from Mr Adam-Anti. This is significant because it doesn't just benefit us. It helps LEO too, instead of raiding the house everytime someone files a report, they can consult the database, schedule an inspection (or just make a surprise one. Gotta brutally honest here, I truly expected inspections to be included in the main law just to cover the bases and avoid some of the potholes in the road that other states have encountered), and then let the grower/patient go on about his business. This has a side benefit to the med community in the form of giving LEO the possible opportunity to charge Mr. Adam-Anti if he persists in his reporting of the law-abiding grower.

It's unfortunate that we have to go through things like inspections and raids, but until the law is adjusted or the MMMP pulls its head out of it's ass and cooperates, we're gonna have to deal with it. Just give it time, I'm in agreement with the others who seem to think that we're heading for some exciting times in the next couple decades regarding the loosening of restrictions on MJ in general.
For one thing, I would try to accept them as they are, because if you think asking the Republicans to "clarify" these laws is going to make it better for us, you had better think again. Bill Shuette has written numerous articles before he was elected stating that was his mission to end this law for "drug users". Google it, the things he calls us were inexcusable. We have a republican house, senate, attorney general and governor, so they can just about rewrite every law and pass it because they have the majority. See what they are doing ending unions just like Wisconsin and doing everything they can to continue to hold power. If they can't repeal the law, they are certainly only going to allow corporations to grow it.