So you think it's only the minorities, eh?


Well-Known Member

Listen to this man's struggle. If someone like this has so much trouble making it, how do you think the rest of US feel?

The disconnect is astounding


Well-Known Member

Listen to this man's struggle. If someone like this has so much trouble making it, how do you think the rest of US feel?

The disconnect is astounding
Yes, because the sciences are where the money is...

Not... everyone fucking knows scientists do it for the love, not for the money.

Dumbass chose the wrong career, who studies up to post grad without checking job prospects first?


Well-Known Member
He just a defective pathetic white guy thats suffering from low self esteem because the world told him he was superior and he grew up and found out he wasn't. Aint got shit to do with minorities! He's already blaming everyone for his short comings tis only a matter of time before he goes on a shooting spree, kill a bunch of innocent people and bite the barrel in the end leaving a manifesto outlining his pathetic excuse for killing innocent people but at least he'll make a name fo himself! Then the media will paint a rosy picture of a troubled young man who had a mental problem when actually he was just a regular pathetic white boy, period!

Telling people they are superior is just as detrimental to the human psychology as oppressing those you call minorities
Just using that term says you feel superior.

Bottom line fuck him! All them degrees and you can't find a good gig, GMAFB! Not about to feel sorry for his ass or any pathetic fucker like him!
That is all.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Yes, because the sciences are where the money is...

Not... everyone fucking knows scientists do it for the love, not for the money.

Dumbass chose the wrong career, who studies up to post grad without checking job prospects first?
Yeah right, tell your anthropogenic climate change denying buddies that and they'll tell you you're full of shit, they do it for the money

That's a stupid contention to begin with, especially if you believe in capitalism. People are in business to get paid, according to capitalism. Satisfying self-interest is paramount to the system. That's the incentive to doing work.

The thing is, even though the financial incentive to innovate/develop/manufacture/create exists, it doesn't mean the achievements are any less valuable. Their success is measured through the very thing they espouse: the free market.

Your lack of empathy highlights what he touched on in the video. We grew up in an age that believed earning an education was the key to a financially stable future, the lack of employment aspects because of economic consequences outside of our control are things we simply have to deal with and adjust to. For someone like you to blame the lowest rung of the pyramid scheme seems unproductive, ineffective and inefficient.. Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor seems to be the name of the game, and people like you support it because they buy you with propaganda and nationalism in exchange for security and protection against those you fear the most..


Well-Known Member
He just a defective pathetic white guy thats suffering from low self esteem because the world told him he was superior and he grew up and found out he wasn't. Aint got shit to do with minorities! He's already blaming everyone for his short comings tis only a matter of time before he goes on a shooting spree, kill a bunch of innocent people and bite the barrel in the end leaving a manifesto outlining his pathetic excuse for killing innocent people but at least he'll make a name fo himself! Then the media will paint a rosy picture of a troubled young man who had a mental problem when actually he was just a regular pathetic white boy, period!

Telling people they are superior is just as detrimental to the human psychology as oppressing those you call minorities
Just using that term says you feel superior.

Bottom line fuck him! All them degrees and you can't find a good gig, GMAFB! Not about to feel sorry for his ass or any pathetic fucker like him!
That is all.:fire:
You dismiss the fact this guy has multiple degrees and the implications that creates for the every-man in America without degrees? What's that say about the millions without a college education? That they're second-class citizens not worthy of a living wage? Someone who works 40 hours a week doesn't deserve the right to afford food, shelter and the basic necessities to survive? Is that what you're saying?


Well-Known Member
No I am not but I'm no where near as hyper educated as this weakling and I've managed to carve out a career, why?Because i wasn't as comfortable as this whining virgin has been living with his parents, gtfooh! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Listen as a black man who got a degree, paid for it & has moved and traveled, working all over America in spite of the racist bullshit and 26 year's later I'm still doing what i went to school for.

So I'm not about to feel sorry for a low self esteem man living with his parents whining. Just a waste of good white skin, fuck i would hav found a cure to cancer if I had half the opportunity this sorry Fuck has.


Well-Known Member
Listen as a black man who got a degree, paid for it & has moved and traveled, working all over America in spite of the racist bullshit and 26 year's later I'm still doing what i went to school for.

So I'm not about to feel sorry for a low self esteem man living with his parents whining. Just a waste of good white skin, fuck i would hav found a cure to cancer if I had half the opportunity this sorry Fuck has.
Oh, the ol' "I dun did it, why didn't he? Fuck 'em!" argument..

Groundbreaking Copernicus, truly Earth shattering.


Well-Known Member
Listen as a black man who got a degree, paid for it & has moved and traveled, working all over America in spite of the racist bullshit and 26 year's later I'm still doing what i went to school for.

What degree would that be? That's rather remarkable if you were able to continue in your original field of study, since that is not the norm. For Gen X'ers, it was predicted they would shift through 4-7 careers in their lifetimes. I am on my 3rd, and I know of few in my immediate peer-group who managed to break away from such a path, either. However, unlike the virgin, I've had more sex than (most) married couples and I have a trade to fall back on (which is something I try to instill in the younger generation; get a trade and get laid before a degree).
I also don't have a "woe is me..I'm a fucking loser" attitude. That's his biggest impediment. Well, that and his peculiar view of humour (which he considers a negative trait :-? ). Who would want to hire a downer in the first place?

Nevertheless, I am also not ignorant of the changing nature of economics and employment in this rapidly shifting world of technological marvels. There is a reason to be concerned, but it should not cause one to give-up so quickly. It is an obstacle one has to navigate around. And if that obstacle becomes socially overbearing, there will be revolution, either literal or ideological. History and logic dictates as such.

So, keep pushing that stone up the hill, can take a break when you get to the top and push the boulder down the other side onto your boss. :lol:
The Greeks never did figure out that part of the story. They just thought he kept pushing it up and rolling it down, ad infinitum, as punishment.


Well-Known Member
Unlike you who cries for a statutory "living wage" cos it'll be the only way you get a raise, ever.
I support a living wage because economic growth is higher when the middle class is strong, and raising the minimum wage strengthens the poor and middle class. Rocket science, right? I know.. That's some seriously complicated shit I guess..


Well-Known Member
Yes, because the sciences are where the money is...

Not... everyone fucking knows scientists do it for the love, not for the money.
you personally have stated the exact opposite in a pathetic attempt to justify your oddball conspiracy theories about the hoax that is manmade global warming.


Well-Known Member
I have a BA in Boimedical Electronic Eng. & been working in the Boimedical Electronics field for 26 year's, $70k/yr base and $10 to $20k in overtime. I picked some shit that will never go away because people will always be sick and they will always have old technology and new technology to built, repair and maintan. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Oh, the ol' "I dun did it, why didn't he? Fuck 'em!" argument..

Groundbreaking Copernicus, truly Earth shattering.
Im not saying he shouldn't be upset about the economy or suppressed wages. I totally agree but him being a virgin and still at home parents tells me alot. He could have at least gotten some pussy by now DAYAM!! THAT'S JUST SHOWS HE'S A BIG OLD WHINING BITCH AND OP YOUR NOT FAR BEHIND IF YOU KEEP BLAMING OTHERS FOR WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO OR WON'T DO.

Sorry I fought like a dog, poverty, racism, alcoholic father (at least the mathafucka was there), worked 2 jobs and have moved to 3 different cities in the last 4 years & aint missed a beat because I laid a good foundation to stand on in 1983 when I graduated for tech school and aint looked back so fuck the woe is me Bullshit. We got a bunch of pussy ass men wanting a hand out and i ain't got shit for them fuckers but a kick in the ass@. But if you put in the time and do the work SMARTLY it will pay off!
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Well-Known Member
Im not saying he shouldn't be upset about the economy or suppressed wages. I totally agree but him being a virgin and still at home parents tells me alot. He could have at least gotten some pussy by now DAYAM!! THAT'S JUST SHOWS HE'S A BIG OLD WHINING BITCH AND OP YOUR NOT FAR BEHIND IF YOU KEEP BLAMING OTHERS FOR WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO OR WON'T DO.

Sorry I fought like a dog, poverty, racism, alcoholic father (at least the mathafucka was there), worked 2 jobs and have moved to 3 different cities in the last 4 years & aint missed a beat because I laid a good foundation to stand on in 1983 when I graduated for tech school and aint looked back so fuck the woe is me Bullshit. We got a bunch of pussy ass men wanting a hand out and i ain't got shit for them fuckers but a kick in the ass@. But if you put in the time and do the work SMARTLY it will pay off!


Well-Known Member
Division of labour
and false saviours,
in this-
Psychotic society.
Un empathetic
selfish desires,
ambiguous to pain,
morally slipping
to the point of no return.
When will you
self labelled astute,
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