Soil and Nut's


Well-Known Member
Well i still aint got my system up and running>.

Christmas and new car(used) dont help financal matters :twisted: I was going to go with the DWC but ive decided against it for two reasons expence and lack of experiance!!!

So iam going to go with soil.

Can anyone please tell me what soil and media i need and how to use fertalizer in soil.I am in england so any help to point me in the rigth direction of where to buy soil from would be a great help.

Thanks alot cronic


Well-Known Member
Hi hope this helps you i'm a fellow brit,
The soil i'm using is Gem john innes (number 1 to start with and 3 for final potting) i filled the bottom of the pots with gravel (about 2 inches deep) and topped the rest up with soil (if your not going to use john innes, whatever you choose just check the PH on the bag try get it between 6.2 and 7).You shouldn't need to feed the plants for a week or two with that soil.

With the nutes i'm using Chempak fully balanced feed (N-P-K 20-20-20)
when feeding start at quarter strength (work it out from what it says on the box/packet) and gradually build the strength from there and just pour in on.
With feeding you should only need to feed about every 1.5-2 weeks, the rest of the time if you can just put a bucket outside collect rain water and use that, as it doesn't have all the chemicals in it tap water does and water every 4-7 days or just stick your finger in the soil to see if its damp.

You should be able to get all that stuff at B&Q or Homebase hope its helped you if you have any other questions i'll try my best to help you.
Peace out


Well-Known Member
thaks alot mate some nice info there..So do i use that soil for seedlings?

And also if rain water is not available what water can i use?


Well-Known Member
Yeh you can use that soil for seedlings ideally use number 1 for seedlings and 3 when you put them in there final pots.
If you can't get rain water then you can use tap water just put it in your bucket or watering can and let it sit for about 2-3 days and this should get rid of most of the chlorine and other shit in the water then you can use it.

Not sure if you know how to germinate the seed's but i'll write it incase you don't:-

The supplies you'll need are in the first pic

Place 3-4 paper towels on to a plate and spray it using distilled tap water (boiled then left to cool) make sure that the towels are damp not soaking.

Place your seeds on the damp towels and cover them with 3-4 more paper towels and spray them too (damp not soaking)

Place another plate of the same size on top to form a clam shape and put them in an airing cupboard and check them everyday to see if the seed casing has split and the root is poking out, then all that is left is to do is poke a hole about 1cm in your soil and plant your seed white tip down.
Hope this helps
Peace out

P.S. ignore the sunflower seeds in the pics, sorry they were the only pics i could find



Well-Known Member
So do i need to start with little pots and move up to larger pots..

or can i just start in one large plant pot.

Are you using mh or floro's for veg?

I hope this dont sound to lazy but could you please right me a shopping list of what soil, plant pots, nutes,all the things i need basically apart from my lighting as iam going to use mh and hps.iam only looking at growning two to four plants.I plan to plant six and use the best 2 or 4 plants..

thanks again Pliskin095.


Well-Known Member
Use the Fox Farm line. It has soil and all fertilizer for every step of the grow.


Every grower has, or still uses these lights. Although they don’t even come close to the results from a HID light, they do however provide a cheap alternative for a newbie 'dabbling' in the fine art of growing. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on an HID light, a newbie can purchase a compact fluorescent for a few bucks, and still have money for a coffee on the way home.

These lights are also excellent for starting seedlings and clones, as their cool light will not dry out the soil as fast as an HID. They have a low intensity, and are gentle on newly germinated seedlings, and are great for clones as they wont dry them out or give them too much of an early blast.

Compact fluoro's are also great for stealth grows, as they can be kept about 1 inch from the plants, and do not require extensive heat ventilation due to their warm operating temperature.

Ph kit
moisture wand
spray bottle
plastic cups (clear and colored)
seperate grow areas (veg & flower)
pulley system for large lighting systems
exhaust fans
white paint for walls
rooting hormone
razor blades
film canisters (for seed storage)
marijuana seeds
marijuana clones

What did I forget?


Well-Known Member
you hit it all on the head right there mogi but i suggjest for the fert get jacks classic all purpose 20-20-20 and jack classic blosem bloomer-shitty speller