Some beginner questions about breeding


Well-Known Member
If I have a cross of A x B and make seeds for C

Then take good male C and cross with good female C

This is how to create an "F1" which should be more stable

Sorry if this is a terrible question just trying to learn
the proper methods to stabilizing seeds as my friend is doing
some breeding and gave me some really great looking "tigers eye"
seeds that he grew out.



Well-Known Member
The method you are describing is called cubing. This is from what I know the fastest way to obtain the traits of "C". This is one way to do your crosses and obtain the traits you are looking for, but it also has a downside which is locking your genetics with no variation of genes which will over time result in loss of vigor. I am enclosing a couple of links you can read over about breeding. I hope that you enjoy the read and the new world of breeding. I hope that you find it as fascinating and addicting as I have. This is one hobby where even most of your failures you are able to enjoy once finished.