Some help with DIY odor control please!


Active Member
Hello everyone,

I am getting prepared to start my first grow. It will be in a townhouse that I own and I want to make sure to eliminate ALL (if possible) oder from the flowering plants b/c my roomates are worried of getting caught. I've read a few threads of some do it yourself carbon filter, but I can really seem to find any step by step instructions on constructing them. There are lots off cool picturtes of them, but I'm not neccessarily a badass when it come to handyman stuff. I really can't afford to pay $100+ for a premade filter. I read one post about using cat litter crystals, but I'm just not sure how to build it.

If anyone has any links for some threads that I might have missed or any suggestions of their own, they would be much appreciated!

PS- I only plan on grow 2-4 plants (from clones) and will be in a rubbermaid 30 gallon setup (2 stacked).

Thank You!:joint:


Well-Known Member
sorry, hold on, I'm trying. or just try to find it, I typed in "carbon filter" in the search, it was on the second page I think. the thread is called exactly the same thing as the link says.

Farmer Rich

Active Member
Hey, here's a picture of the filter I built for my curing box.. It consists of a 4" duct fan that pulls air through a nylon stocking filled with activated charcoal and seems to be fairly effective for being cheap. I also vent my grow box through the garage wall and have added a nylon/activated charcoal in the output vent. All seems to be working well. You can build one like in the picture for around $40..

Parts: 5" Suncort duct fan, 5" end cap, hardware cloth, 5-4" duct reducer, 2 clamps, duct tape, nylon stocking, activated charcoal. If you need to move more air, go with a 6" duct fan and adjust the other parts as required. I'd use a 6-4" reducer.

Good luck!

Farmer Rich



Well-Known Member
farmer's idea is just like panhead's , but cost a little more since it has a fan, and metal. use that links name that I gave you and look it up. it's up to you which you chose, good luck.


Active Member
Great! All great usefull information! I think I will start with the $3 design, seems like it will do the trick for my small grow. Thanks again everyone.