some of my seedlings do this. why?


IMAG0267.jpg the leaves get all weird looking like this one in the center of the pic. they keep growing and producing the same deformed leaves up until they are about a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
whorled phyllotaxy refers to an arrangement of three or more leaves on each internode rather than the usual two; usually a triple or 'trilateral' pattern (erroneously termed 'trifoliate', whereas this term applies to a compound leaf with three leaflets), with the three leaves arranged at equal 120-degree angles around the stem, although four-leafed patterns have been observed. Whorled plants usually occur randomly and often revert back to decussate on attempts to achieve true-breeding strains – although there are claims that stable strains are in the pipeline. There is no apparent consensus on whether whorled phyllotaxy is good or bad, but breeders generally accept that it is usually unlikely to hinder the plants, and most will probably end up male. Some claim higher yields from whorled female plants, due to the extra bud sites and increased ability to photosynthesize, but this is purely anecdotal. cut and paste as I lost my own notes on this ever increasing freaky observation