Sooooo, my little cousin...

My cousin who's 14 years old and a friend who's 17 had a eighth of weed and a pipe. A cop found it on them. The friend got a month in juvenile but my little cuz David's fate is unclear. Anybody got an opinion on what's gonna happen to him?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
He's gonna fall down a flight of stairs, break his ankle, remaining otherwise unharmed, but use that to make the judge sympathetic to his cause and get off free.

Anyways, a month juvenile?!??! harsh for an 8th and paraphernalia...

My opinion, maybe a week to a month juvy and 6 months probate[maybe community service added to terms, or as separate without probation], [going off how harsh they got the other guy] maybe even diversion... but they don't give diversions for drugs in my area...
He's gonna fall down a flight of stairs, break his ankle, remaining otherwise unharmed, but use that to make the judge sympathetic to his cause and get off free.

Anyways, a month juvenile?!??! harsh for an 8th and paraphernalia...

My opinion, maybe a week to a month juvy and 6 months probate[maybe community service added to terms, or as separate without probation], [going off how harsh they got the other guy] maybe even diversion... but they don't give diversions for drugs in my area...
Well I heard something about the other kids punishment being hard because he was over 16. I think he's been in trouble before. The bitch of it though is that the weed was on David. But also it was apparently the other kids and he spoke up about it.