Spider mites on seedling in solo cup. When to transplant?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Got a week old seedling doing pretty perfectly in a solo cup, but she's got a few mites and they're beginning to build a tiny web.

I have horticultural bug spray arriving today in the mail, what route should I take? Drench just the soil? (I see no bugs on the seedlings at all)
LIGHTLY spray the soil? Spray it several times a day lightly?

When should I transplant? I have 5gallon smart pots ready and waiting for these girls, but clearly I shouldnt transplant until the bug issue is taken care of. No?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty careful with what I spray on seedlings. Don't want to burn them. I've found seedlings can handle habanero pepper spray though.

You may try holding the plant under a faucet and rinsing it. Get the entire thing, stem, under each leaf etc. Take your time. Then liberally spray the entire plant. Wouldn't hurt to do this at least daily. You could also fill a bucket and swish the seedling around in it. It's like the mite version of a biblical flood.

As far as transplanting if the seedling has ample roots, you should be okay, but it will be hard to hold a 5 gallon bucket under a faucet...so maybe clean up the mites first.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be a bad idea to consider where the mites came from and remediate that too...or they'll return.

House plants harboring mites? Friend has mites (in his / her grow) and handled your plants?

Cleanliness, is important, wouldn't hurt to rinse grow buckets, trays. watering can, wipe floors and walls etc. …. Kill the source, wherever, whatever it is. Good luck.