Well-Known Member
As the title says I have a Blue Dream I let get spider mites down in the lower and now middle of the plant. It has gotten way worse than it should have and the little bastards are setting up shop. What can I use besides Neem that won't mess up my really nice sticky buds. This is my first outdoor grow. It's in ocean forrest with Dr Earth Bloom in a 15 gallon fabric pot as it went out really late in mid July .I stripped out the lower larf that was the worst with the mites as it wasn't going to yield much anyway but would really like to save the main branches if possible. Thanks for any help you can offer. I have peroxide and ISO alcohol as well as Spinosad on hand if that helps with any advice. Here's a bad pic to show size and structure, my camera is bad and my hands shake really bad so pictures are always iffy with me, sorry.