Spider Mites?

If I grow from seed and have ducting leading outside for my passive intake, are the chances high that I'll get spider mites? I read on here that spider mites don't just appear, and that they are more often than not brought home on clones.

It's only been a day and I already found a wasp in my grow box and a may fly. Gonna put some screen on it tomorrow but I know screen will not stop spider mites.


Well-Known Member
depends on a number of factors. a hepa filter on your air intake will prevent any coming in that way. The pesky little shits can get in simply from you though....
I treat my plants regardless of me finding anything or not every now and again, give em three to four days of soaking... prevention is better than cure.
Neem oil products
Spinosad products
Plant Vitality+ (not sure what it contains tbh)
Avermectin Products (long story)

I use a combo of neem oil and avermectin for two weeks every day to every other day to make sure I have no mite problems if I detect any and also keep a bottle of spinosad to hand... cos i'm paranoid.

Some people use sulphur bombs or get there co2 cranked up if they have it.


Well-Known Member
^^what he said,just get some mighty wash for just incase,thatll kill all mites.also get some neem oil,it stops insects from eating your plants leaves.