start to finish led closet grow.

Wassup roll it up playedoutpurp here and I am new to RIU and somewhat new to growing. I have read a lot of here and other places and decided to do my own grow, ( not just helping out and such ) so here I am. I have a t5 8 tube led. 460 something or rather watts will update with exact info when I arrive home. I have 2 clones about 2weeks and 2 or 3 says old girl scout cookie. I want to put 1 or 2 others under but I want to keep the amount down so more light can be focused on one plant. I have not transplanted yet looking to do that tomorrow. I am using floragrow,florabloom,and floramico from gen. hydo. on one and cns17 grow and ripening on the other. any ideas on soil. I was thinking coco mixt with some other soil but I don't know what one let me know pixs up soon.
I would just go canna coco and perlite 50/50 mix,coco is really good and its easy to keep the ph stable as well as drainage. I used ready gro coco from botanicare its pretty good but im going canna coco next might just do 50/50 canna and hydroton because when you hand water the perlite it all floats to the top and causes some algae on it. Either way i would say some type of soiless medium for you its easier to adjust if problems occur!