Step right up folks... Guess the correct final yield


I'm curious to see any guesses of what the final yield would be. So far I have my guess and two others; my guess is 78 grams or around 2.7 oz, the other two are 60 grams and 45 grams, I hope their wrong. Here's a quick rundown of the set-up...

Strain: Special Kush #1 (left), Fruit Spirit (middle), Sleestack x Skunk (right).
Lighting: 250 watt Hps, 100 watt Mh, 104 true watts of Cfl.
Nutrients: Fox Farm Trio, MG All Purpose Plant Food w/ micro nutes 24-8-16, 9-59-8 blooming food (only used twice) and they've been watered once with a drop of Superthrive.
Current Height: SK: 39.5 in, FS: 25 in, SS: 36 in.
Age: Vegetative: 58 days, Flowering: 28 days today, although I'm confused because I noticed flowers on the stalk on day 58 so I immediately switched to flower which is what I've been counting. I did mark it down when I saw flowers appear on the branches and if that's the day I should have started counting than I would be at day 19, the stretch has been over for about a week so I'm thinking 28 is right.
Grow Medium: Potting soil mixed with Peat Moss and Perlite with a 2-3 in base of perlite at the top to filter water.

I think that's about everything so let's see who can get the closest!



2.5 a plant dry weight? Just looking at them now there looks to be maybe an oz on all three, I don't see how I could yield that much plus the Fruit Spirit says indoors it can yield up to 40 grams a plant. I would love 2.5 oz each or a pound, you guys really think there will be that much? Idk maybe I am doubting my skills but my last grow of three plants only yielded an Oz altogether of course it was my first and I messed a lot of things up.


Well-Known Member
it's way too soon to tell anything yet... your bud growth could stay small or get much larger...

as is.. I'm gonna say from structure, I'd guess the tall thin plant could end up with around 30-35 grams, and the other two maybe 40-45grams each...

since it's too early to tell, but you want an answer... if it doesn't get much bigger... I'll estimate your grow at 14 grams for the small one, and maybe 24 grams for the others...


@ Canibitual I only have 3 weeks left of flowering, I wouldn't say it's to soon to know. The stretch is over they won't get any taller and all the bud sites that are here have nothing to do but fill in. I actually think the tall skinny one (Special Kush) might be the biggest producer if it wasn't for all the bud sites the SleeSkunk has. Two days I go I did a minor Lollipopping, basically I just went in there and took off those really small 2 or 3 calyx waste of energy buds on the bottom inside branches so maybe that will boost the bigger ones... we'll see though. Good guesses everyone. I plan on announcing whoever gets closest to the final weight on this thread so keep watching. Happy Growing everyone !!!


Well-Known Member
@ Canibitual I only have 3 weeks left of flowering, I wouldn't say it's to soon to know. The stretch is over they won't get any taller and all the bud sites that are here have nothing to do but fill in. I actually think the tall skinny one (Special Kush) might be the biggest producer if it wasn't for all the bud sites the SleeSkunk has. Two days I go I did a minor Lollipopping, basically I just went in there and took off those really small 2 or 3 calyx waste of energy buds on the bottom inside branches so maybe that will boost the bigger ones... we'll see though. Good guesses everyone. I plan on announcing whoever gets closest to the final weight on this thread so keep watching. Happy Growing everyone !!!
judging from the looks of them plants looks like you have closer to 5 weeks flowering left, they appear to be on around week 2-3.

never start your flowering count on the day you change the lights to 12/12 and never base your harvest on a 8 week period, always go by the plant and them plants are just starting to bud up. im thinking you only got 1oz off 3 plants because you harvested way too early...patience is your friend man.


Well-Known Member
i would say your comment on day 19 is most accurate them plants are not 4 weeks in right now man. anyways like i said above wait it out as long as you can and the plants will let you knwo when they are done. i have a week and 1/2 left on one of my girls and she is looking so tempting but gonna wait at least a week and 1/2 might even let if go 2.5 more weeks depending on what its looking like. you want about 80% of the white hairs to be brown and receeding. any white hairs on the plant means its still producing calyx's and packing on bud weight and you shouldnt be harvesting while the plant is still growing.


Well-Known Member
judging from the looks of them plants looks like you have closer to 5 weeks flowering left, they appear to be on around week 2-3.

never start your flowering count on the day you change the lights to 12/12 and never base your harvest on a 8 week period, always go by the plant and them plants are just starting to bud up. im thinking you only got 1oz off 3 plants because you harvested way too early...patience is your friend man.
I would have to agree with this. Your plants look about the same as mine and i am just over 4 weeks in(counting from the day I turned the lights back) so i am only about 3 weeks into flower. Patience and you will be rewarded!


judging from the looks of them plants looks like you have closer to 5 weeks flowering left, they appear to be on around week 2-3.

never start your flowering count on the day you change the lights to 12/12 and never base your harvest on a 8 week period, always go by the plant and them plants are just starting to bud up. im thinking you only got 1oz off 3 plants because you harvested way too early...patience is your friend man.
I would say that's a fair assessment I do plan on going by the plants, I cut back to 12/12 when I first saw those flowers appear on the stalk, I had never seen or heard of a plant doing that before the light was cut back so I started that day. I have a calender so I can keep track of age, light schedules, watering and feeding schedules, and Ph, so I have everything marked down including the day when the girls formed bud flowers which was Dec 13th. I learned to do that after the many mistakes of my first grow. I had one plant which I grew outside that did the best (btw I had 2 not 3, I forgot), I yielded 19 off of her and 13 off the second, this was after I picked all the seeds out. It was a disaster but a great learning experience and I've improved dramatically from that one. I probably did harvest a little to early maybe a week at the most, as soon as I saw that first amber trichome I picked her. I expect this grow to produce a lot better results.


Well-Known Member
I would say that's a fair assessment I do plan on going by the plants, I cut back to 12/12 when I first saw those flowers appear on the stalk, I had never seen or heard of a plant doing that before the light was cut back so I started that day. I have a calender so I can keep track of age, light schedules, watering and feeding schedules, and Ph, so I have everything marked down including the day when the girls formed bud flowers which was Dec 13th. I learned to do that after the many mistakes of my first grow. I had one plant which I grew outside that did the best (btw I had 2 not 3, I forgot), I yielded 19 off of her and 13 off the second, this was after I picked all the seeds out. It was a disaster but a great learning experience and I've improved dramatically from that one. I probably did harvest a little to early maybe a week at the most, as soon as I saw that first amber trichome I picked her. I expect this grow to produce a lot better results.

The "flowers" you talk about seeing before switching to 12/12 are called PRE-flowers, indicating they come before flowering and are nothing more than the plant expressing its sex(if male you would see sacs). They are natural and do not mean your plants are actually in flowering mode(obviously because you have the lights on longer than 12 hours a day), the exception to this would be autoflowering strains which will flower within 2-3 weeks from seed regardless of light cycle. Hope this helps the confusion. :-)


The "flowers" you talk about seeing before switching to 12/12 are called PRE-flowers, indicating they come before flowering and are nothing more than the plant expressing its sex(if male you would see sacs). They are natural and do not mean your plants are actually in flowering mode(obviously because you have the lights on longer than 12 hours a day), the exception to this would be autoflowering strains which will flower within 2-3 weeks from seed regardless of light cycle. Hope this helps the confusion. :-)
No these weren't pre-flowers I've seen them before and had seen the pre-flowers on these plants a week or two before I switched them, the flowers I saw were full on calyxes I posted it on here to see if anyone had seen them before and I got a post from someone saying something about the genetics being so strong they popped out to show it was mature.