stupid question about venting

lord smerk

Active Member
i know this is about to sound stupid but instead of venting to the attic can i vent my rooms heat to the crawl space under my house"? or is that pointless cus the heat signature will still get out?


Well-Known Member
i know this is about to sound stupid but instead of venting to the attic can i vent my rooms heat to the crawl space under my house"? or is that pointless cus the heat signature will still get out?
heat signature??:-?

i vent my heat up because it will rise and decipate...not because im worried about a sig


Well-Known Member
Sure, you can vent into the crawlspace.

/agreed with above poster on the heat signature thing...someone hit ya with the paranoid stick?


Well-Known Member
my bad. just tryin to be careful. so with one 1000w i dont have to worry right?

I have space heaters that put out more heat than that, and I've never had a problem =) Well, high electric bills, but that's irrelevant.

As long as you're not running 15,000W or something, no, you don't need to worry.

Just keep in mind that loose lips sink ships. Keep your "hobby" to yourself!

lord smerk

Active Member
another stupid one. what kind of insulation do u recomend i put in the walls? its gonna be wood frame with plywood or sheetrock.

do i even need insulation?


Well-Known Member
Are you building a room, or just a box?

A box doesn't really need insulation, though you could use that expanding foam stuff to seal up any cracks.

If you're building an entire room, then yea, you need insulation. I'd go with that aluminized stuff (Reflectix, Reflectex? something like that). It blocks infrared and you can get a tax credit for installing it.

Brick Top

New Member
i know this is about to sound stupid but instead of venting to the attic can i vent my rooms heat to the crawl space under my house"? or is that pointless cus the heat signature will still get out?

You can but unless the space under your home has adequate ventilation you can likely have a moisture/humidity problem crop up and have mold or other issues since exhausted air from grow rooms is normally humid … that is unless you are only talking about say a CoolTube or glass enclosed reflective hood being exhausted under your home that draws air from outside the more humid grow room itself.
Also it has been mentioned that heat rises and if the space under your home is not well ventilated heat will build up and in the warmer months increase the inside temperature of your home, slightly faster than it would otherwise heat up, causing you’re A/C to run more often or if you do not use/have A/C making your interior temperatures warmer and less comfortable.
Depending on where you live and the amount of ventilation under your home the temperature under a home can be considerably cooler than the outside air or as warm as the outside air but either way exhausting warm/hot air into the space will either increase the normal temperature or keep it warmer longer before cooling off at night. There will be a heat signature but will it be enough to wave a red flag if by chance your home is scanned?
Unless you are burning mega-wattage lightS, that being plural, I do not believe the difference would be enough to keep me up at night worrying.

I would be more concerned about other possible problems like mold … and if as in some cases in the crawl space under the home there may be some sort of equipment/appliance like a heat pump heat exchange or a water heater etc. that may need to be worked on one day where a service repair person would then likely spot the exhaust ducting and if you do not use a carbon filter pick up an odd scent and begin to wonder and peek around and maybe ask questions and possibly mention what they found to others who you might prefer to not hear about it.