sunlight, to fluorescent light


Well-Known Member
I have a plant, that is about 6 days old now. It's growing alright I suppose. It's been growing in the sunlight now and I can't let it grow in my window the whole grow (feel free to call me out on that, I know it's an INCREDIBLY stupid thing to do). I'm gonna be getting some fluorescent bulbs soon and some other things so I can have a successful grow (hopefully). this is where I need some advice. when I get my area all set up for growing, what is the safest way I can do this sort of transition with such a small plant so I don't bug it out? for the curious bundle out there, I'll post some pictures of it so you can get a better idea of the plant once I find the wire to get the pictures on the computer....


Well-Known Member
and two more things, even though they aren't of any real relevance to my situation, I'm going to attempt an LST grow and the seeds are just bag seeds.


Active Member
Yeah it can't last in that window the whole grow, not enough for it...

But for brining it indoors it should be fine. Just keep the lights as close to the top of the plant as possible, you don't want them to stretch.

Maybe in the morning keep it outside, then after it's about full sun where you live put it under the fluorescents till night then put them back out, do a week cycle of that or so, maybe increasing the time it sits under the light. IE. Less SUN more florescent.

Tell me if I'm wrong some one.


Well-Known Member
my plants are 12 days old and i've been giving them 18hrs of cfls light then 5hrs of sunlight and they seem to be doing fine.