Super Cropping Anyone?

The Dr.

Active Member
I have some questions about super cropping techniques. Does anyone know if the main stalk can be pinched and bent over or if its better to do this with the branches instead? Or do you top the plant and then begin super cropping? My plants a about a foot tall, and outdoor. They've just been planted 4 days ago and are rocketing upward. My goal is keep the plants lower and less susceptible to wind. Suggestions? Thanks!


Active Member
Not sure about sc'ing, but i topped my outdoor plants, used the cuttings for SOG, and then used twin to bend the branches so as to have more sun get through the leaves and to also change the silhouette of the plant so that it won't look like a typical MJ plant in case of nosy neighbors. They're thriving outdoors now.


Well-Known Member
yes bending the main is the point to the supercropping method i basically puts the main growing shoot in a "time out" state. Allowing the hormones to be distributed to the side shoots and you can keep bending it througout the veg state to allow the sides to catch up!!!it's the shit!!!!