Christopher, respectfully, I don't see the need to call that Nate guy names. Growers House is obviously doing very well out of selling the product. And thats what he is doing in the video. Selling the product.
You want to be surprised? Couple months back and couldn't find a youtube review I knew I'd seen. Turns out AlboPepper had to take it down because someone objected to him using the Trademarked term "quantum board". Go watch the reposted video, it gets interesting near the end when he shows an email offering him Trademarked lights for review. The email even mentions how much sales they making. Big dollar. Surprised no one mentioned that video or discussed the content, here on Rollitup.
The HLG 550 Rspec V2 is only 169lm/w. I've browsed HLG's site often, but never looked at their data sheets, until that one flashed up in the Growers House video. Maybe the 550 should be run lower for improved efficacy, but then you would need more of them for a given area.
If I buy a fixture for 849.00, I want to know that it will have longevity. But Light Laboratory Inc state that ambient temperature is "set" at 25ºC.
How about actually placing 4 thermocouples on the back, directly over the centre mass of each group of diodes, and documenting a log of that in the datasheet? Isn't this the type of information users need?
And if Light Laboratory Inc is going to produce data sheets for hobby or professional horticultural lighting, how about actually giving data that growers can use.
Like stating the radiometric output ratio of different ranges of nm. Blue, green, red, and red versus far red. Now thats a spec sheet.