Sweet Seeds Red Poison - 250w HPS grow


Active Member
Been growing autos for a few years now and really enjoy a no-nonsense approach to growing. My grow set up is as follows:

Grow tent (busted zip so held closed with DIY clamps)
Sunmaster 250w HPS dual spec bulb
10L Air Pot
El-cheapo cutting compost cut with a bit of pearlite

I always LST my grows and I may stick another plant in the tent later and cover it in this journal too.

Seed germinated in a small pot of compost drenched in water and kept warm, seed popped and sprouted in about 48 hours. Under 30w daylight CFL for the first few days and here we go.

Day 8 and in the tent under the big bulb in its air-pot. Perlite over the surface of the soil because it looks nice and satisfies my ocd :-D



Active Member
Day 9/10 update!

The Red Poison plant is growing nicely. I've been tweaking the distance of the light from the plant to keep the temps around 80. The weather is dry as hell at the moment so there is a small humidifier running in the tent to get the humidity up a bit. I've got two seeds recently popped, a Speed Seeds Blueberry Auto and a Krippleberry Auto. They're sitting lower in the tent so they don't get roasted :-D One of them will join the Red Poison in the tent and the other will go out in the greenhouse to fend for itself hehe.



Active Member
Red Poison - Day 22
Blueberry Auto - Day 14

So, the Red Poison is coming along nicely but the Blueberry Auto has been a real surprise. Considering this was planted a good week later than the Red Poison it has already surpassed the Red Poison in size! Very pleased so far and was a cheap seed :)

(In the pics the Blueberry Auto is on the left and has the bigger leaves)

Since my last update I've swapped out my old Sunmaster bulb for a new Omega Lighting 250w dual spectrum bulb since the Sunmaster had a good number of hours on it and probably needed to be retired. I grow under a 21/3 lighting schedule and my temps at the moment are around 85 and humidity at around 50-55.

I'll be tying these little plants down in the next few days as it helps maximise the amount of light they'll get.

See you next time!

