Switching lights


I have a flower room with a 400hps light and a cloning (large) box with much less powerful lighting. My question is can I slip the clones ( when they are ready) into the other room with the 400 watter for the 12hrs the lights on then put them back in the dark time? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You can use your 400 watt lamp on your clones when they are rooted. Keep the light about 3 feet away for the first couple of nights so they can get used to the brightness. then you can lower the lamp to about 12 inches or where it won't burn them.:bigjoint:


bud bootlegger
nah.. i think you should be golden switching them back and forth like that, and maybe a lil better off if the other light doesn't happed to be an hps, as i would think the exposure to different spectrums of light maybe good for them.. this is honestly just an educated guess though, and i could be completely wrong, lol.. but i don't see any harm coming from switching them


Well-Known Member
Switching back and fourth from fluorescent to hps. I wouldn't do that. Can you put your fluoro's in the room w/ the hps? Stretching is always a concern when switching to hps only light in the beginning stages of flowering, I have heard that a foliar treatment of your bloom fert used at the beginning of flower helps to curb some of the stretch.