t5 growers I could use some advice plz


Active Member
hello and happy hollidays everyone

ok so i have recently finish my first grow andwas rather disapointed when my girl turned hermiso icut her down and now im gathering information to start my next grow after the beginning of the new yearandso far this is where im at with the setup im getting

tent 4/2/5
4 ft 4 bulb t5
5 and 2 gallon grow bags
ozium mist timer (for smell)
6in osilation fan

what i have already
150 w hps
happy frog soil
jamaican guano
mexican guano

strains im going to grow
1x bubblegum kush
1x pineapple express
1x la diva (auto)
1x lil devel (auto)

ok so this is where i coukd use your help if you have exp with t5 lights
my plan is to start all 4 under the t5 then after about a week or 2 im going to move the autos under the 150 hps i have. then i am goin to use the bubblegum kush and pineapple express as mothers (both fem seeds) now this is where i would like all input about what to di next
i can either put the mothers under the 150 hps to keep under veg and use the t5s for the veg and flower of the clones i take from my moms or i can just use the 150 to flower and the t5 to keep mothers and clones
and also im trying to decide if i should use mixed bloom and grow bulbs for veg or just the grow bulbs themselves

all in all
what bulbs should i use for veging (mixed or grow)?
should i put mothers or just flower 2 by2 under the 150 hps?

any and all advice is welcome i would realy like the feed back

happy holidays all


Active Member
wow over 100 views and nobody can help me
i kno the questions mite be noob but i have read many diffrent forums and almost all the threads on here i could find aand none of them helped me most of them are long rambling arguements about someones opinion dont match this persons and most of the threads get off subject

ive tried to figure this out but all i got so far is this from searching forums

x amount of people use t5s and say they have good results
x amount of people use mh/hps
x amount of people use led
well from reading post after post and many different forums this is the info i gatherd people have there opinions and if they are hard headed like a lot of people are they wont even give anouther way a shot they down everything but what they use i have sat and read arguement after arguement on here and i thnk it is kind of pathetic that people cant get off there fucking high horse for 1 damn minut to take in concideration that maby that didnt work for person b or person c but ssence a is all mighty in ther own brain nebody that tries to prove a valid point is wrong even if they have 30 x more evidence than person a they are still wrong because person a is always rite in there mind

but as for the people that try to have a good discussion and accualy figure it out i thank you because no matter what the hard headed people say i weed threw it and get the true info out after doing a lil bit of side research after reading many arguements on here i believe in my own opinion that im not going to post any more for a wile due to some of the rediculas shyt i have herd and i doubt nebody realy gives a shyt less but if you wanna accualy have a civilized convorsation with me that would help me plz feel free to pm me or respond to the post


Active Member
In my own experience with t5's which i still use to veg and keep my mother under they are not what I would in any way use to flower. You just need a bigger light man. 150 is not going to do the job. you need at least 400 watt to avoid stressing the plant too much.they need a ton of light in flower. this is why you had a hermie PLANT STRESS in the veg to flower switch. happens all the time. just get a better light read up on the nute feed to make things less stressful and keep your cool man. you'll be just fine. those t5's probly put out more lumens than your 150 watt. LOL thats oppopsite of what you need to flower.


Active Member
also the t5 bulbs put out a wide spectrum, this is why they are good for veg. you need lots of red in flower stick with the hps.


New Member
dude your question is like not really a question.............u could find that professor guys led wo led thread lotta t5 in there but it might take a few days...........what u really want to know? if u should veg v the t5 and flower w the hps? if thats it dude .................but your gonna get all pissed? your crazier than i am.........


Active Member
kilo - you answerd what i was looking for but also i know the 150 isnt that good but its all i could afford at the time i would buy a 400w hps as that is what i was planning then a bunch of crap started about me growin from the girlfriend and now the more i spend the more she bitches so i gotta do with what i can if the low light was the cause of the hermi im better off just veggin forba few .months wile i save for a 400 hps hopefully that wontbtake to long or ill have to flower with the t5

wayno - didnt mean to come off crazy i been realy stressed out i have glaucoma and sevear nerve pain in my optical nerves and lower back i watch a baby all day long wile my girlfriend goes and runs around shopping for shyt we are never gonna use and im the one gettin yelled at cuz i try to grow meds that help me with the pain and swelling of optical nerves and pain in lower back ive just been stressed a lot and no meds hence wi im not realy gonna be doin nething on here but small talk and reading


Active Member
i know that but the weak hps i have 150w has less watts than the t5 im going to be useing also i could only flower 2 at a time with the hps ibgot maby only 1 but i think i can get 2 im not looking for amazing resaults as i know im not going to get them im just looking to grow some decent yeilds to suplament for my meds i would realy like to become a mmj patient but i dont live in a state where it is legal wich realy sucks because i realy benifit from it


Take what kilo said about the 150 hps not being up to the job and it causing your hermie and throw that advice out the window. Now don't get all offended...I just RESPECTFULLY disagree. His hermie was most likely from another issue.

First off your 150 hps is not weak. There is a thread, not on this site so I won't link it that is a 150 hps growers club. Plenty of guys yielding 2+ even 3+ ounces with +/- 2 square feet. What I will say is this... You listed 4x2x5. Pretty sure you already know this so but just in case, the 150 won't cover a 4 feet spread. 2.5-3 is pushing it, but not 4.

Your most effective solution would be to use the 150 for the autoflowers and the t5 for the mothers. You don't want to do mothers under the 150. Its possible...but since the light spectrum is way off you will have very slow growth and you will have to keep it on 24/0 18/6 minimum to support the mothers which will get costly on the bill. Slow growth for the mothers is a good thing in a sense...but since you will be taking clippings off regularly to trim / for clones you want the mother to be able to take that "abuse" and keep on living. 6500k T5 bulbs would better support mothers than hps light.

This part is just a suggestion...but it sounds like you are planning to get a 4 feet 4 bulb all in one T5 unit. You could instead purchase 4 single 4 feet T5. Why? I really don't think you need any more than 2 T5's to keep your mothers going in your space. That way you could take the other 2 and buy 2700-3000k flowering T5 bulbs and use them sidelighting for the plants under the 150 hps. Don't underestimate sidelighting. Why have all your big buds at the top and the under canopy go to waste with lil popcorn nugs? Not to mention with 4 single T5's you could reposition the bulbs little by little to be more effective.

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
Under 'Indoor Growing' on this forum there is a CFL group I follow.

My .02 cents

IMO I would veg under 150 and flower under T5, your t5 is probably 250 + watts and you can SLAM the light down to 4 inches (without heat issues) and I would place plants in a line rather than growing 2 x 2.


instead of


if that makes sense. I think your results will be better, Flouro's work best when you know your strains and pick ones that grow around the same height and flower time, if you have 1 7 weeker and one 11 or one stalky indica and a lanky sativa, plan your grow, flower shorter growing plant first. I've not played with it but some would tell you to mix the bulbs between white and red flouro's, there are a couple seasoned T5 growers on the CFL forum.


Active Member
daft - thank you for the advice but i was thinking about it and i was going to buy 2 x 2 ft 4 bulbs so i could use one for moms snd have it at theere hight and use outher for clones at there hight then when i got a lil more cash i was going to but a 4 ft 2 bulb to pot along the back wall faceing front to use as sidelights

dq - i have read slot of the post inhere and I would read more but I get tired of reading all the dumb shyt people argue about *lap having glaucoma it makes it harder for me to read so with both of third put together makes it no fun atall when when people argue about lil things and don't understand that many that didn't work for the outher person it makes me loose hope in the human race

Hey that sounds like a good thread to start on here ( why I'm loading hope in the human race )

What you Giustino should I write it or just not do it


Raise the clones up by stacking something underneath them. Just tryinta save you some money. 2 4 foot T5s is a instant 10,000 lumens. The 2 feet 4 lamp enclousure is only 8,000.


Active Member
heyeveryone quick ?
should i use the regular t5 or use the pl-55 tek lamps

i think the only difference is the tek lamps have more lumens


Well-Known Member
The t5 I have coming is over 600w :D , There are people that do flower with the t5 h.o's so when someone says it can not be done has no clue and never done it,You can get t5 bulbs that have more blue and red spec for flower if that is what ya wanted to do.But i did not bother ;-) I flowered auto's under t8 in my veg tent, sexed and then put under my 600. with the 150w you have would work out for one or two little auto's. Get a 600w and never look back. View attachment 1953623for all the nay sayer's this is a northren light auto growed under my 6 bulb t8....Shit was yummie to...First run 061.jpg

DQ Blizzard

Active Member
I have a 8bulb 4' that is 435w that I am using out of necessity and it's working out great, i'm on day 26 of 12/12 (not enough amps in my house to run even a 400w mh) , I read of someone getting 9oz off a similar light.


Well-Known Member
I am so looking forward to the T5 ho, 12 bulb, they where just on ebay for 200.. long as you the watts up you can get a good yeild. i pulled all most a zip per auto on last run.


Active Member
see these are the answers im lookin for
im going to get the 4ft 4bulb t5 i would get bigger but not enough money to spend rite now but i do plan to get a few more single 4 ft bulbs to use as ide lighting
Img eventual going to get a 400w hps and anouther tent for flower but now I'm useingcloset with 150


Not tryinta thread jack but can anyone with a t5 do the AM radio test for me? Really paranoid after that thread.