Take A Look! Am I OK?


Well-Known Member
I think its something that doesnt need to be on plant problems they look good. Its time to transplant soooooon though. Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
i can't do that really thats all i can do pretty much... Just hangs there i tryed to do that just wouldn't work....

Need hellp transplanting what size pots can i use i got 4 1/2 gallons 3 of them and 4 3 gallon pots with they work?????????Plz????Help QUick?


Well-Known Member
Then move your plants up to the light instead of moving th light down.

As close as you can get seriously!


Well-Known Member
It does not matte if you want to grow up, down, sideways, or whatever!

Get those lights as close as you can to the plants!


Well-Known Member
what u mean i got 2 florecene lights 18in long good ones and my 400 watt hps over 24in high from plant they look like they are geting yellow spot of leaves and lower leafs are dieing i just don't want my very very dank seed to die that i payed money for imtryin to do what ever i can do to get successfull. this isn'tmy first grow tho i had a very successfull one last time and i use just florecents for veg and 400 watt hps for flowering and that worked out good i started with over14 seedlings and down to aboiut 7 now and 3 afganian 1 bubble 1 blueburry and a seed from the dankest bud ive ever seeen.. so 6 and 1 new seedling that is about 1 half weeeks old now and lookin good. SO what u think????