Taproot Question


Hello all! First I want to thank everyone who helps on this site.

I started some seeds (auto's) in Jiffy Pellets. I did not pre germ, I just popped the seeds in the pellet and put a dome over them. It has been about 77 degrees inside the dome and humid. I am keeping them out of direct light.

My problem is it is 4 days later and while none of the seeds have sprouted one has grown a taproot right out of the side of the jiffy pellet.

I am unsure of what I should do. I tried to look up the problem before I took up any space here, but could not find an answer.

(This will be for a soil indoor grow)

Thank you for any help!


Well-Known Member
If they are slow to peek out of the soil, maybe you popped them in too deep?
.. and I wouldn't worry about roots growing in an odd direction, they should fix themselves.


Thank you both for replying back.

Yes, I totally need to be patient. I just find it so hard (first grow)!

I may have planted the seed too deep. Because I am so new I do not doubt it.

Why should I take off the humidity dome? (I ask so I can learn not to challenge :joint:)


Well-Known Member
Humidity dome will cause too much dampness, and not enough air.
If you keep your soil moist, (not wet) the seeds will pop out just fine without a dome.