Temp issues with Germination


Well-Known Member
This past week I've been trying to start some seeds to start up again. Well the temps are obviously lower now than in late August when I did this last. The temps are running around 65°-66° in my grow area, that is about 4-6° lower than before. I wouldn't think that that small temp drop would have such a big influence on the germination and the seedlings breaking surface. It took 3 days to get 2 of the 6 seeds to be above surface enough to have me help them pop the shells off. Two have just stalled at the surface with the shells mostly still on, and two more are just at the surface.

The last time all the seeds popped up in less than 24hrs and looked good. These are just moving so slow it makes me wonder what they will do if they make it through the next week.
I ordered a couple heat germ mats to put under the 1gal pots they are in now. Hopefully that will help them kick it in the ass some. Can't run a space heater. Maxed power wise in that area.
I still can't believe that small temp drop has such an effect. Anyone else dealt with this?
This past week I've been trying to start some seeds to start up again. Well the temps are obviously lower now than in late August when I did this last. The temps are running around 65°-66° in my grow area, that is about 4-6° lower than before. I wouldn't think that that small temp drop would have such a big influence on the germination and the seedlings breaking surface. It took 3 days to get 2 of the 6 seeds to be above surface enough to have me help them pop the shells off. Two have just stalled at the surface with the shells mostly still on, and two more are just at the surface.

The last time all the seeds popped up in less than 24hrs and looked good. These are just moving so slow it makes me wonder what they will do if they make it through the next week.
I ordered a couple heat germ mats to put under the 1gal pots they are in now. Hopefully that will help them kick it in the ass some. Can't run a space heater. Maxed power wise in that area.
I still can't believe that small temp drop has such an effect. Anyone else dealt with this?
Trying to germ a plant in a pot that large is bound to be tough. Make it easier on yourself, by starting in a paper towel, jiffy pellet, or anything smaller than what you got.
They were started in paper towels. Then planted after they popped tails. Still took 3 days after that!
the way I deal with temp is just run a oil rad and have a fan blow over it heats my room to 85 at night only pulls 400 watts
65F is pretty low for germination so yeah it'll take a bit. When I was in Florida I would put the seeds in a shot glass of water, 4 hours later the tap root was already peaking through. Next morning they were pushing through the coco. Sucked in flower time though with the heat and humidity.
Well I decided to do what I should have done 2 weeks ago. I got a couple heat mats. So hopefully they will help the small seedlings kick it into gear. You can see how small a couple of my seedlings are. 2 look ok, 3 are tiny and the 6th just won't germ. So I'm starting a new seed tomorrow.


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Dropped another seed. An Ace auto Zamal. It'll be out next year for Ace's anniversary.. Looking forward to the buds from it. Should be potent as hell. It'll have a longer flower but that's ok.
Well after 2 weeks of dumb ass me not realizing that it was too damn cold in my grow area I got some heat mats and things have progressed. I have 6 strains from a buddy that breeds his own stuff and he said 3 would be guinea pig stuff, and I have been fighting them to pop, the other 3 popped up like champs. So now I have 3, maybe 4 plants more than I need because the damn things were slow to sprout. So now I have 9 seedlings instead of 6, so I'll keep them in their small pots and they'll get in where they fit in. 5 are one week in. Looking forward to this grow.


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This past week I've been trying to start some seeds to start up again. Well the temps are obviously lower now than in late August when I did this last. The temps are running around 65°-66° in my grow area, that is about 4-6° lower than before. I wouldn't think that that small temp drop would have such a big influence on the germination and the seedlings breaking surface. It took 3 days to get 2 of the 6 seeds to be above surface enough to have me help them pop the shells off. Two have just stalled at the surface with the shells mostly still on, and two more are just at the surface.

The last time all the seeds popped up in less than 24hrs and looked good. These are just moving so slow it makes me wonder what they will do if they make it through the next week.
I ordered a couple heat germ mats to put under the 1gal pots they are in now. Hopefully that will help them kick it in the ass some. Can't run a space heater. Maxed power wise in that area.
I still can't believe that small temp drop has such an effect. Anyone else dealt with this?
70 degrees f is the coldest a cannabis seed will germinate. it is best if possible to let the temperature fluctuate between 70 and 80 degrees throughout the day. Don't Drown Your seeds.20190920_220921.jpg
Im going to jump in here instead of a new thread. Is 70 the lowest as Im in a VERRY similar situation, temps are 20c witch is 68ish, soil is same temp, Ive been waiting a week and nada, if the soil gets a bit dry? does this hurt too much? ive got a dome on the seed, moisten every 12 or so hrs, sometimes she drys out. seeds an auto, unknown spanish breeder, was bought in a reputable shop, under 200w cfl (the e40 thread kind) thats where the heats from too, how much longer would you keep the lights on? or am I being impatient?
I try to keep the room above 74f in the winter when it starts warming up I get the room to like 80-82 I feel like 80f is the sweet spot for a room of vegging plants
im going to have to wait till spring springs then... hands are tied. 22 is as hot as can get the room, maybe shut off vents? im just hungry. it is in a 25l pot.
My plants had the soil hitting 64° at times. The first 3 weeks I was sure they were done for and if have crap production since they started so slow. I added a small heater after trying heat mats. They cooked my soil. And I have been harvesting the past week. Half down half to go. I know they sat autos are autos and they don't care about outside influences but I'm harvesting plants at 12 weeks that.should have been done 2 weeks ago. Did the cold start dictate this? Don't know. Here's a few pics of my " stunted " grow... Don't give let then do what they do.
