Thai Haze X Skunk & Skunk#1 soil stealth grow


New Member
Good start. utilise LST to keep your plants shorter for longer. they will uptake nutrients easier as well.

good. luck.


Well-Known Member
Now have 4 Ata Tundra and 4 Skunk#1 seedlings under the lights and two 18 day old Skunk #1. Gave the two Skunk#1 a really small application of nutes today. They don't look to good, i think its over-watering.



Well-Known Member
Right, some more pics. About the two ill looking plants, i have identified the problem as under-watering, i thought it was over-watering until i read my grow bible, no wonder they were getting worse!!! Seedlings are all looking ok, they will all need to be transplanted into separate pots soon. If the weather is nice tomorrow i might put another plant outside, maybe one of the healthy looking seedlings, just to see if it would survive.




Well-Known Member
So if you phone them up they give you the free seeds? I have bought two sets of seeds from them so maybe i can get both 5 packs. I did hear that Thai Haze X Skunk is a VERY slow growing plant. So yours arnt going so well? Is it any sort of nutrient problem, watering problem, light? Did you say you have yours outside in the UK now? I just thought they may die because of the bad weather we are having at the moment.


And yeah, i think i may dabble in Lowryder this summer and see how it goes, indoors and out.


Well-Known Member
Right. They are all outside now. It was a mission moving them all. They are placed in random locations in about 3 or 4 acres of woods that nobody ever goes in. I hope i can remember where all 11 of them are!! The next time i will be posting in this journal will be in around 5 or 6 weeks when i will be back. If any plants are still going i will post up pics. If you want to find out, subscribe and wait! Thanks for any advice given and watching this grow so far!




Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Well, still away but i may be able to check them sooner than i thought! I might have an hour or two at my grow site in a weekends time so i will be able to post up their progress, if they are still alive! I got send some free seeds (Nirvana AK48) so looks like im growing that this summer! I also wanna try this new Diesel Ryder.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, regarding the bright spark who said i shouldn't put them outside, i obviously wouldn't if i had the option of keeping them indoors but if you'd read the whole thread you would see why.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!
Well, i didn't get the visit to my grow site i wanted, but, i am returning there very soon! Yes, i to return home early June, around the 3rd or 4th. I really hope some of the plants are still alive as i should have some nice growth if they are, I'm not holding onto a hope though. It has been around 50 days since i left them.
On a different note for those interested, i have started a small mushroom grow. Check it out if your interested, it should appear on my sig.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm back. I went to the wood to check out my plants. I realized i under looked a big factor when planting them in March; other plants grow too. When i went to find them, the woods was over-run with huge weeds (not the good kind) like nettles etc. That means that i could only find 2 out of the 14 or so plant i planted; ouch. The two that i found are females, very small and scrawny, probably because of the lack of light from the competing weeds. I imagine there are still more plants out there, i just cant find them. I am unsure what to do with them. Take clones? Leave them? Any ideas? I included pictures but they are dismal quality, sorry.

The good news is that i found a clearing in the woods that gets plenty of sun and there are no weeds. I am currently germinating 5 AK48, 5 Ata Tundra and 2 Skunk#1 ready to put in the clearing as soon as they are nicely vegged. I will probably start a new journal when they have tap roots.

I have a concern however. The remaining plants that i couldn't find, what if a couple of them are male, and they spread their pollen all over the new plants i am going to put in there soon? How long will males survive (in there pollination stage) if i cant find them?


Peace out x


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