The AK47 Project on Hempy Buckets


Well-Known Member
the problem with the pellets is that they hold to much humidity and it just rots the stem and wont root, it's happen to me a few times so now I'm doing what you are doing but instead using the little fat turds I use very small party cups wich I cut a little and fill them with perlite, just put your clone in there after dippin it in rooting gel or powder, I never heard of just putting it in water, just make sure you spray them everyday and keep them in a humidity dome, I just transfer mine to the flower closet, I'll be poking holes on the bottom of the cups and bury them into bigger hempies
OK good news
The clone in a shot glass with water has started to root so i have planted it in soil and perlite mix.
I have got another 2 clones that have rooted in comp pellets so they have gone into cups Hempty style.
I also have another clone that was planted in soil no rooting powder or gel was used and that has started to root so that has gone Hempty.
Now it"s just a waiting game to see what does best.
All my clones have come from flowering plants and everything is on 12/12
I think thats why it"s took so long for them to root.
I will try to post some pics of my clones later.

By the way Dark Star that four headed ak47 is lookig really cool.
Happy growing