The Gasmans Coming


Active Member

Our boiler's packed up and because of this our gas supplier is sending out a dude to fix it.

However some of the pipes the guy's gonna have to look at run straight thru the grow room!! damn it.
So i'm now a little unsure what to do??
I could leave everything as is and just lock the door, kill the lights and fan and tell the dude he can't get int there? or i can move the lights filters etc out of the room and the plant thats in there into my veg box and move my veg box into the front room?

Any thoughts or ideas welcomed as i'm worried i might be over thinking it lol



Well-Known Member
if its not too much work i would move your stuff, or make up a story about the room, its locked for mom or dad , thats where dads guns are, just make something up. if your boiler is not in there chances are he will just clean it and leave.


Active Member
If only i lived with my folks lol. It's just me and the misses and it's a rented flat so even if i did have a firearms licence i couldn't keep them in this house lol. Thanks thou dude that thought had crossed my mind lol