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Meanwhile, back in reality..

"Here are 13 things everyone would know if we really had a ‘liberal’ media
Reince Priebus (and apparently many others) still thinks there’s a liberal media.
While I share Priebus’ frustration with the media, as a liberal, I’d like to go on record and state that the media isn’t focusing on issues I care about. They seem to be far more focused on entertainment and making money.
Don’t believe me?
If you know anyone who still believes in a “liberal media,” here are 13 things everyone would know if there really were a “liberal media” (inspired by Jeff Bezos’ purchase of The Washington Post):
1. Where the jobs went.
Outsourcing (or offshoring) is a bigger contributor to unemployment in the U.S. than laziness.
Since 2000, U.S. multinationals have cut 2.9 million jobs here while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. This is likely just the tip of the iceberg as multinational corporations account for only about 20 percent of the labor force.
When was the last time you saw a front-page headline about outsourcing?
2. Upward wealth redistribution and/or inequality.
In 2010, 20 percent of the people held approximately 88 percent of the net worth in the U.S. The top 1 percent alone held 35 percent of all net worth.
The bottom 80 percent of people held only 12 percent of net worth in 2010. In 1983, the bottom 80 percent held 18 percent of net worth.
These statistics are not Democrat or Republican. They are widely available to reporters.
Why aren’t they discussed in the “liberal” media?
3. ALEC.
If there were a corporate organization that drafted laws and then passed them on to state legislators to implement, wouldn’t you think the “liberal” media would report on them?
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is such an organization.
Need legislation drafted? No need to go through a lobbyist to reach state legislatures anymore. Just contact ALEC. Among other things, ALEC is responsible for:
Stand Your Ground laws
Voter ID laws
Right to Work laws
Privatizing schools
Health savings account bills, which benefit health care companies
Tobacco industry legislation
Many legislators don’t even change the proposals handed to them by this group of corporations. They simply take the corporate bills and bring them to the floor.
This is the primary reason for so much similar bad legislation in different states.
Hello … “liberal media” … over here!!!
They’re meeting in Chicago this weekend. Maybe the “liberal media” will send some reporters.
4. The number of people in prison.
Which country in the world has the most people in prison?
You might think it would be China (with 1 billion-plus people and a restrictive government) or former Soviets still imprisoned in Russia.
The U.S. has the most people in prison by far of any country in the world. With 5 percent of the world’s population, we have 25 percent of the world’s prisoners—2.3 million criminals. China with a population four times ours is second with 1.6 million people in prison.
In 1972, 350,000 Americans were imprisoned. By 2010, this number had grown to 2.3 million. Yet from 1988-2008, crime rates declined by 25 percent.
Isn’t anyone in the liberal media interested in why so many people are in prison when crime has dropped? WTF “liberal media”?
5. The number of black people in prison.
In 2009, non-Hispanic blacks, while only 13.6 percent of the American population, accounted for 39.4 percent of the total prison and jail population.
In 2011, according to FBI statistics, whites accounted for 69.2 percent of arrests.
Numbers like these suggest a racial bias in our criminal justice system.
To me, this is a much bigger story than any single case like Travyon Martin’s. Or, at the very least, why didn’t the “liberal media” ever mention this while covering the Martin story?