The NEVER ENDING Dynagro Bloom search

Hey guys, I been searching the web now for quite some time and I give up! Could any EXPERIENCED grower who grows with coco coir (I specifically have cocotek) tell me how much Dynagro Bloom + CalMag(Made for hydro) to use for a SEEDLING. I am scared to death to nute burn my seedling but after I know how much to use for a seedling I will be able to make an educated guess on how much to use for the rest of the grow!


New Member
that is soil advice... the cotelydons only have enough juice to pop 2 leaves. after 3 weeks in dwc i already have a bush eating 600 ppm of veg nutes.

i run dwc in rockwool but i start seedlings at 100 ppm with dyna gro grow. i wouldnt go above 200.


Active Member
that is soil advice... the cotelydons only have enough juice to pop 2 leaves. after 3 weeks in dwc i already have a bush eating 600 ppm of veg nutes.

i run dwc in rockwool but i start seedlings at 100 ppm with dyna gro grow. i wouldnt go above 200.

Okay well I start my seedlings in RW and place in soil after 2 weeks. And my plants haven't eaten anything. Still lushish green, and beginning to grow the side branches... At 15 days old
that is soil advice... the cotelydons only have enough juice to pop 2 leaves. after 3 weeks in dwc i already have a bush eating 600 ppm of veg nutes.

i run dwc in rockwool but i start seedlings at 100 ppm with dyna gro grow. i wouldnt go above 200.
Thanks.. If I feel like if they need nutes I will just go at 100 ppm but I think I will see how they do without nutes since about 4 people told me so far that they don't need nutes. It makes sense that they wouldn't because the endosperm feeds it until those "dummy leaves" take over.

You don't need to feed seedlings. They feed themselves for the first 2-3 weeks off their "dummy leaves"
You and like 3 other people all say the same thing like as if your reading from a damn script or something lol.


Active Member
It's called a grow Bible :cool:

I'm playing I never read it....

Advice is always good. But, it's up to you to read your plants. They'll tell you what they want. Listen to the plants, not other peoples opinions.

I can't wait to see this grow in action :cool:
It's called a grow Bible :cool:

I'm playing I never read it....

Advice is always good. But, it's up to you to read your plants. They'll tell you what they want. Listen to the plants, not other peoples opinions.

I can't wait to see this grow in action :cool:
Trust me I cant wait to see it myself! Ive asked so many people so many different questions and did soo much research and I think I am ready all I need to do now is go to a few local stores to pick up some goodies and test my box to see what temperature its at before I start!


Active Member
that is soil advice... the cotelydons only have enough juice to pop 2 leaves. after 3 weeks in dwc i already have a bush eating 600 ppm of veg nutes.

i run dwc in rockwool but i start seedlings at 100 ppm with dyna gro grow. i wouldnt go above 200.
That kinda pisses me off that you would give such advice.. I wish we had a dislike button... That would be the only way I could share your stupidity with everyone else... Keep Rollin


Active Member
Trust me I cant wait to see it myself! Ive asked so many people so many different questions and did soo much research and I think I am ready all I need to do now is go to a few local stores to pick up some goodies and test my box to see what temperature its at before I start!

This will be badass :cool:

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
soil has nutrients, coco has nothing, you do need to feed, but at a very low dose to start. if you don't have a ppm meter, use 1/4 strength or less of recommended nutes.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Who is telling you this? Have you not grown pot before? You don't NEED nutrients for seedlings. Period!
it's called experience dude. he is growing in coco. there is NOTHING in coco. so you need to provide something to feed the plant. if you put your seedling in dirt. there is all kinds of nutrients in there to make her grow big and strong.

I'll learn you something else. in soil. you feed water feed. in coco, or soilesss mediums. you feed low ppms every time you water. you can argue that all you want. but those are just facts son.

here is a good read

make sure you read there part where he feeds his seedlings at 1/2 strength.


New Member
Meters are quite cheap these days $30-40 bucks, well worth it...then you can use any nutrients as long as you know how much to feed at what stage.

Without 1/8 to 1/4 strength depending on the strain.

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Just started a few seeds and clones in coco for the first time after always using promix with some additives. I was surprised to see that with no shadow of a doubt that my little ladies in coco needed nutrients. Always waited a week at least in promix or just fed with root boosters but you'll see quickly that you'll leaves will start to yellow from lack of nitrogen quickly then with a couple of feeds (using GH FloraNova) @1.5 mil per gallon they perked right up. So far I'm impressed with the nutrient strength they can take in coco at a young age. Now up to almost 3mil per gallon and showing no signs of overfertalizing.

Basically since you can water everyday with coco you can start with a really low concentration and feed them with increasing concentration until they're leaves become the nice color green you want without any burn signs. Just start low and work your way up. Next time I'll be pretreated my coco with a low strength fertalizer as well. The reason people say no ferts until 2 weeks is because usually the medium has what little the plants need in the first 2 weeks. Coco has nothing and you'll quickly see that they do need a little something pretty quick.

Good luck


New Member
That kinda pisses me off that you would give such advice.. I wish we had a dislike button... That would be the only way I could share your stupidity with everyone else... Keep Rollin
my advice is correct. you have obviously never grown hydro. what you say is correct when growing in soil that already has nutrition in it like fox farm.

and i wish there was a go fuck yourself button.