Thinking i'll flip to 12/12 1 week from today. Any advice or tips?

Hey everyone. Today marks 6 weeks and 1 days since my ladies have poked through the surface of their soil. Been an awesome journey so far on my first grow and im thinking im going to begin flowering next week, 10/1. This forum has been such an amazing resource so i figured I would check in and see if and of you all had any advice or insight as i move on to the next step in my first grow!

Details of grow: 6 Seedsman Gelat.OG in fox farms ocean forest soil. 4x4 tent under 1000w mh/hps dimmed to 75% (having heat issues at 1000w). Topped the plants a couple weeks ago and then did another topping on a couple of the plants a week or so ago. Have done some minimal LST'ing just with some of the taller plants to keep things even.

Next week planning to swap out the mh bulb for the hps and cut back to 12/12. Pretty sure ive got all my ducks in order but always nice hearing other folks opinions!

Any estimates on how much i may yield off this?

thanks in advance


Looks like a solid little operation dude! Plants look super happy and healthy. Another week before flower is perfect.

I'm not familiar with that breeder personally so I can't comment on yeild but I doubt you will be disappointed! Buy an extra case of Mason jars.. ;)