Thinking of adding some Worms in Soil?


I am not in the USA, so i can not easily buy bags of something like Black Gold or Fox Farm soil. I must make my soil as good as possible by adding some things to it.

I found somewhere here local that can sell me 1kg of live composting worms

  • Eudrilus Eugeniae (common name: African Nightcrawler)
  • Perionyx Excavatus (common names: Blue Worm, Indian Blue)
  • Eisenia Fetida (common names: Redworm, Tiger Worm)

I must purchase 1kg (2.2lbs)

My questions are

About how many oz's live worms per gallon of soil is OK?

Is this generally OK, or are these live worms going to eat my roots or create too much castings

I am using Smart Pots, these worms are not going to eat their way out the sides of the pots are they?

Will they breed? If so, do i need to be concerned about ending up with too many worms?


Well-Known Member
Lol, dont add worms to the soil at all, they are meant for you to either amend before planting or to harvest your own castings, worms will burrow tunnels in and out your roots.


Well-Known Member
If you have enough regular humis to feed the worms, your further off to put your worms in your compost pile and take your soil from your compost pile. Your castings will be better than buying them because the worms will be in your soil making castings from your soil and no someone else's soil. Add vegtables to your compost pile, lettuce and grass compost fasr, fruits, lesfs. nothing hard like potatoes turn it over in a week, every week. In 3-4 weeks you will have some of the nicest soil around. :)