Thunder Storms?


Active Member
I have about 5 plants outside.. one is about 3months old.. and the others are 4 weeks.. today we had heavy rain and wind. the big one is ok.. but the other ones were filled up with water all leaned over and under water. i stake them up and took a cup and took all the water i could out of the holes.. will they live or die? I can get pics if needed.


New Member
if the leaves were under water for long its not looking good. Also that could have caused it to be over watered. If the soil is still really wet you might want to transplant them to dry soil.


Active Member
they were all under water soil, and half the plant.. i got a stake on them and tied them up and add more dirt to the hole to suck up the water.


Active Member
The big one made it.. The other ones i checked today and were dryed out..idk.. going to start over in another spot. still got like 5months till winter so its all good.. i hope.